settling in

2116 Words
Alora POV I've settled in really well at my new home, I'm so happy and excited to start a life with my mates. We didn't even really have a chance to get to know each other as well as we would have if it wasn't for the war we faced, but now we can finally start our life together properly. I'm lucky to have a great mother in law, one that understands how nervous I was at coming home. Caria is one of my mothers best friends, and so that makes it easier in a way. Knowing I can rely and trust her brings me peace. She also makes me laugh when she sides with me over her sons. I also know she is in constant contact with Mum, and I couldn't be happier. Their whole group of friends were pinned against each other, fighting because they thought each of the packs killed us, but since we had returned home, they have reconciled. It still baffles me that they believed the others would do such a thing, especially since I've gotten to know each of them. They are all amazing with pure souls, always caring for everyone, but I suppose grief shows in many ways. Chris is also amazing. He is an amazing aplha, and I can see how his ruling has shaped this pack. Everyone is treated fairly, and it reminds me of home. He and my dad have the same values, and it's obvious to see why they are good friends. I've also gotten to know my mates best friends, Gage, their soon to be beta and Greyson, their soon to be gamma. I've grown really close to them and their mates Donna, Gages mate and Holly, Greysons mate. We are a solid group of friends. We are close to Isla, too, since she saved Chris she has joined our family. Caria and Chris treat her like a daughter, and I see why. She's pure and good and she needs a family too. We didn't know until she was more comfortable with us, that the warlock that she saved Chris from was actually her father. She had always been mistreated, but when she got her powers on her 16th birthday, just a week before the fight, she was a light witch, and that made her treatment from her family even worse. If you ask me, though, they didn't sound like family anyway. It had taken her a while to trust us, and that was understandable. She was painfully shy, cautious, and kept to herself. Since she opened up, it was like a weight lifted from her. now she is now enjoying her life. She is due to travel to the witch kingdom for some magic training but not for a few months. Don't get me wrong, not everyone has been welcoming. There's a small group of she-wolves, who, for a reason unknown to me, dislikes me. Even so, I just let them be that way because I'm not nieve enough to think I will be liked by everyone. That's life. No matter how good of a person you are, some people will find fault in you. I'm soon to be the Luna, and I refuse to be dragged to her level, especially since it's childish. That is one of the reasons I find it strange too, because she is 20 years old, not a teenager. "Hey, what's the plans today?" Holly asks, excitement leaking from her in waves. "What do you fancy? Our men are busy getting ready for the ceremony tonight, so we are free for most of the day," I smile as I know, looking between both her, Donna, and Isla. They already have something in mind. "Ok, we have a day planned," Donna giggled as they pulled me towards the dining room. "Breakfast first," Holly said as we went to get in the food line. I grab a plate, and there's so much selection in front of me. I decide on sausage, scrambled eggs, beans, and eggy bread. My stomach growls so loudly at just the smell. "Good job, we getting food first, huh?" Donna laughed, causing me to arch my brow at her "well you do have a point," I say as holls and Isla start laughing too. We were sitting chatting about tonights ceremony, how we are all taking on our roles, how nervous we are, but how good it will be. "As if, b***h" Ruby sneers under her breath, walking past us. I just ignored her, but I could see Donna clench her fist. I give her a small shake of my head to leave it. "She's not worth it," I say, and it's true. Over the last few months since I got here, Ruby and her gaggle of girls have tried all sorts for me to lose my temper. It's always underhanded, but I know that she wants to claim innocents when I do, but I refuse to give her the time of day. I have realised that at first it was snide comments about me. How I look mostly, but lately, it's escalating. She is quite close to the Alpha family and has been brought up with Aiden and Austin because their mothers are friends. Her dad is the head warrior, not that I've seen her train since I've been here but she feigns innocence when my mates are there. She clings to their arms, batting her eyelashes, but I don't get jealous because I trust my mates, and I feel nothing special towards her through our bond. Now Veda is a whole different story. She wants to rip her hands off our mates and hit her with them. She hates that someone else is touching what's ours. "What a b***h" Isla comments causing Ruby to stop in her tracks, the stiffness in her shoulders shows she's pissed but after a few seconds she carried on walking. "I have no idea why she hates me so much." I sigh. I'm going to be Luna, and I don't like the fact that not all members feel like they can't approach me. "She is just jealous," Donna says, looking over at where Ruby and her group have sat down. We ignore them and their stares and continue to laugh and chat before leaving. "So what are we doing?" I ask, feeling full from my breakfast. "We have booked us into the spa," Holly answers with a smile. Yes, there is a spa here, I've never used it, but I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I'd rather be training, but I bite my tongue, my face must have given me away "yes we know you would prefer to train buuuut" Donna said with puppy eyes "ok I suppose it won't hurt to try" I give in. Their excitement is too much for me to argue with, plus it's their night also. Myself, Aiden, and Austin are taking over from Chris and Caria as alphas and Luna. Gage and Holly are taking over from his parents Lou and Carrie as the beta couple, and Greyson and Donna will be taking over from his parents, Graham, and Linda as the gamma couple. "What time?" I ask, wondering if I had time to quickly see my mates. Holls looks at her watch, "in 5 minutes. If we go now, we won't be late, " she says, heading for the door to leave the pack house. 'I'm with Holls, Don and Isla at the spa if you need me' I link my mates 'ok, have fun' they both chuckle at Aidens reply 'd***s' I mutter back and they both laugh more before I cut the link. They know I've never been interested in going before, and I throw myself into my training. I want to be a strong Luna, especially if there are threats against our pack. Both me and Veda refuse to sit in the safe room, and we will be on the front line facing everything with our mates. I've got nothing against going it's just that I've never been, and I have no idea what to expect. What if I do something wrong. We walk until we are close to our border. There stood a few buildings and a market, and since putting up their walls, the pack had become self-sufficient. The market was rows of stalls filled with all kinds of foods and fruits, as well as materials and clothing. The buildings are impressive also, the building had furniture in the window, the second building was massive, and that building was the school, and then the building closest to the woods was the spa. Because the walls are so high that surrounds us, we have no threat from rogues, and that is why they are close to the border. It just looks like a simple stone building, but as soon as we entered my breath caught in my throat, it was beautiful. The walls were creams and dark greens. It had a very expensive look, and it made me more worried about doing something wrong. We were greeted by a receptionist and was shown to a seating area to wait. We sat in the small seating area until an older she-wolf came to greet us. I recognised her as Rubys mother. To be fair, though, she was nothing like her daughter. She was lovely. If I hadn't met her through Caria and introduced her as Rubys mother, I would never have guessed. "Hello, I'm so happy you chose us to get you all ready for tonight." Maria smiled at us. "Hi. Thank you for making room for us." Holly smiled, and we were asked to follow her further into the building. We follow and enter through a door. We were given slippers and a pink dressing gown. "Leave on your knickers and remove everything else, put on the dressing gowns, and I'll wait outside." She smiled again and left. Both Holls and Don were already stripped out of their clothes, down to their knickers and putting on their dressing gowns. Isla is more shy, but she is a witch, so I don't think nudity is a thing for them. Plus, she's only young, so it's understandable. She uses a cubicle for privacy. "Eager, I see." I laugh as I start to undress, too. We weres are comfortable being naked, especially as it's a natural part of being a werewolf. I'm now in my dressing gown and knickers, and our clothes are folded and piled, placed in a cupboard. "What about your necklace?" Holly asks, but there's no way I'd take it off, especially here. It's my special locket, and I never take it off unless it is in our room. I stopped wearing it qhen I became one with Veda because I was so scared of it breaking. It's the most special gift I've ever received. The most precious thing thst I own. Yes I appreciate everything that I've ever been given from anyone but my necklace was from a time that we had nothing, a time from before we knew who we truly were and I know how much my sisters and brother worked and saved to gift it me. The best birthday present when all we had was each other. Isla had noticed it on my dressing table one day while she was waiting for me. She thought it was beautiful and asked why I never wore it. I explained that I didn't want to break it if I had to shift without warning. She is such a sweetheart, and that day, she blessed it with a spell. An unbreakable spell. Now, even when I shift, it doesn't snap it grows to fit Veda. Now I never take it off. "I'd rather not," I say, wrapping my hand around it. "Ok," was all they said, and we headed for the door. Maria was waiting for us, and we exited the room to find Ruby with her group, talking with her mum. I groan internally, but I keep my face neutral. "We are ready," Holly says, trying to keep neutral too. None of us liked Ruby because of how she was, but we also know our positions in the pack but if she ever crossed the line I'd deal with her straight away, family friend to the alphas or not. "Of course dear, let's head in." she smiled at us before turning back to her daughter. "I'll see you at home darling," and led us into a room. I look back to where the group was standing, and I see Ruby giving us dirty looks. If looks could kill, I'd be laying dead on the floor.
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