Chapter Five:

1948 Words
King Xavier’s POV: I have to give it to that sneaky, little she-wolf. Her arousal lingering in the air and her suggestive comments really got me and Sylus rowed up. I have never had to hold back Sylus so much in my life! The way her blonde hair waved and flowed down to her plump bosom, the sparkling layer of sweat that greeted her skin and made it shimmer, her cleavage hidden, but proud behind her red top and then the way her eyes invited me in. My member felt stiff from the moment I saw her beauty and very little comfort has come to it since. I can't remember ever feeling this out of control with Sarah. (Flashback) It has been three months since I found out Sarah was my mate. In those three months, I have grown to love this she-wolf so much, but the bond did not get any stronger. I spoke with the elders and even to my parents, hoping they could offer me some sound advice, but the results always came back the same. With the continuous and confirmed information, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Isn't the mate bond supposed to make you feel out of control and weak at the knees? “We need to love mate, even if the Moon Goddess gave us a weak bond, Xavier.” My wolf whined in my head. I can see he is also undercover disappointed, but he wants to remain hopeful and committed. So do I, I guess. Some wolves just aren’t blessed with strong bonds. Sarah keeps saying it's because I am such a strong wolf and I need independence, but I always hoped I would rule in passion, with my Luna by my side. I have come to love Sarah though and my family is all pleased to have a new daughter and future queen. There is a lot that is great about Sarah, take her body for example. Her soft, hardened pecks were so delectable to touch and my mouth couldn’t help but steal kisses from them while she was in the shower. Watching Sarah’s bud open up in all its beauty in front of me, was always a sight to behold. She took all of my firsts in these three months and I enjoyed every minute of it, but I saw how my father’s gaze would darken at my mother and how his wolf would surface out at any bend or turn from her. I noticed other men in the pack’s black orbs as they watched their mates train in the yard and I wondered why this never happened to me? Why was I always in such good control around my mate? Why did my wolf never take over and why did I never feel this overwhelming lust that others do? I remember asking Sylus if he wants our mate. I felt concerned that maybe this had something to do with him. Was he really that needy of independence? “Of course I do dummy. The Goddess gave us her.” He replied in nonchalantly. I can see him lazing around in my mind, barely giving me a second glance. I know all of this, but why do I never desire her then? Sarah is deliciously beautiful and the people seem to like her, but something just feels missing in our bond and this makes me scared. Scared for my own emotions, scared for the pent-up lust inside me, scared for my wolf and scared for the entire life ahead of me with her. (End Flashback) I have never known what desire is, up until now. That little minx, Flora, has my mind running at full speed with all sorts of dirty images. Hell, I even have a happy camper in my pants right now. I have since I saw her in the office. “Mate knows what she is doing to us. She is smart, Xavier.” Sylus barks. His wolfy grin is proud and determined, making me feel uncomfortable. I agree that she knows what she does to us, but I do not agree that it’s because she is my true mate. I think magic has just evolved in the past nine years, so it’s making everything seem more realistic. Still, with all of this, I cannot get the images of her out of my mind. Her blonde hair, wildly sprawled across my pillow. Her lips slightly parted as she pants from anticipation. Her bosom is on full display and at attention, whilst her pink flower glistens before me in spread-out glory. I shake my head. No! I better go have a cold shower before this gets the better of me. I refuse to let myself become undone over a she-wolf and magic. I have been down this road before and it doesn't end well. So, as quickly as I can, I run up to the guestroom assigned to me, throwing off my worn-out and sweaty clothes and jumping into the shower. I don't even bother turning on the hot tap. I need to shock my system. The cold shower brought absolutely no calm to the storm raging inside of me. Everywhere I look, I imagine Flora and myself in heated passion. Pushed up against the shower wall, splashing the water out the bath in lustful waves, on top of the vanity cupboard and spread out against the floor. I rest my arms against the shower wall and sigh. This little wolf really has taken over my every thought. I run my hand down my body, envisioning Flora's soft, little hands. As I grab my steaming rod, I wince in wondrous delight and begin my attack. All I can see in my head is her little fingers barely enclosing my member, making the grip tight and desperate. I pump against my rod, feeling how the heat burned against the cold of the shower. I have to lean back against the glass and close my eyes, as all I can feel is absolute bliss and desperation for a certain she-wolf. Just as I think I cannot pump any faster, I imagine Flora's pink lips taking me in. "Ahhhh, f**k!" I moan, sucking in my arousal and exhaling to the climax I just had. For one night, I will indulge in her antics. With this, I found my sweet release in the shower. Flora’s wild, innocent, enticing face is the hero of the moment. “She is our mate Xavier and you will see it sooner or later.” I hear Sylus mention, before laying my head on the pillow and entering into a dark oblivion. Future Alpha Luke’s POV: The sun shines through my window, just about blinding me. “Ugh, my head is pounding!” I mumble into my pillow. Last I remember, I sat in my bathroom drinking a bottle of whiskey and next you know I was thrown in the room by King Xavier’s beta, Sam. This thought brings a new panic and urgency inside me. King Xavier is here! My whole body flings up in the bed and my eyes widen in shocked realization. What the hell happened last night anyway? I look at my watch and notice it's mid-morning. They really are going to think I am useless! I quickly chuck on my training attire and run for the fields. A good workout should bring me back to my former glory. Time to show them who is boss around here! I dash for the training grounds, but King Xavier and Beta Sam are already there. Great, they must really think I am useless. I look at how they are standing with dominance and pride, their muscles are huge and protruding and their training gear is state of the art. “Rough day yesterday, Alpha Luke?” Beta Sam asks and lifts his eyebrow. I can sense the dismissal and irritation in his voice, but that doesn't compare to the utter disappointment in his eyes. “Um, yeah, sorry. I feel very embarrassed by my behavior, but I am going through some personal issues.” I lie and shrug. What else am I supposed to say? Besides, why should I answer to anyone when I am an alpha? King Xavier throws a knife at me and laughs. I manage to barely catch it. “Maybe you can redeem yourself on the field then, young Alpha?” he challenges. His eyes are flashing in lightning bolts of black and blue, making a shiver of anger roll down my back. This really gets my blood boiling. Who does this king think he is? “Game on!” I spit. Lifting the knife and pointing it at him. This seems to humor him, as he looks at Sam and chuckles. King Xavier and I circle each other, ready for the fight. Both of our wolves are at the forefront and ready to battle. My blood is pumping and I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Xavier may be a strong wolf, but I have won countless tournaments in knife battling. He comes running through the space and makes a jab at my side, but I quickly dodge his attempt. He stumbles slightly and I grab his hair pushing him down on the floor. “Good thing you have all that hair, King Xavier. I thought only girls have curls!” I taunt, hoping my comment will rile him up more. I use the knife to cut off a small lock and throw it down at his face. To my surprise, he does not react. By this stage, most of the pack has surrounded us, watching the duel. “Why are you so revved up, young alpha?” the king tilts his head, questioning me. The small, humorous smirk on his face is doing nothing to calm my irritation. Nobody questions me in front of my pack. I run up to his tall frame and aim the knife for his leg, but instead, he lands a blow to my face with his fist. I fall on my knees, but use this to my advantage as I plummet this knife into his foot. King Xavier howls in pain and I smirk. “King Xavier!” I hear Flora gasp from the sidelines in distress. Why would she be worried about this bafoon? Ah, what did I miss? Does my sweet Flora have a little crush on that stupid King? I will not have it! I run to Flora and grab her from behind, aiming the knife to her throat and laughing. “My sweet beta, you may care that our king was stabbed, but would he care for you under the same duress? Don’t you know the rumors my sweet Flora? King Xavier has no heart for any female, not even his own mate. What was her name again? Ah yes, Sarah!” I spit out, hoping Flora will hear what I am trying to say. I cannot see her face, but I can feel the anger bubbling up inside her. Before I am able to try anything, Beta Sam has me pinned against the wall. How did that happen? “Are you crazy, young Alpha? Egging on the Alpha King like that can get you killed! How dare you insult him? Even worse, did you ever care to think about Flora and how this made her feel?” he shouts in my face before letting me go. The truth is, I know exactly why I am behaving like this. It is because they are here, on my territory and in my pack lands for a stupid investigation that has me and my wolf on edge!
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