Chapter Four

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“So where are you from?” Lexi asked as she threw herself onto the couch. “South Carolina.” I told her with a small smile. “Wow, that’s a big change. South Carolina is rather warm all year around, and dry. It’s the complete opposite here.” “I know.” I groaned. “I hate how much it rains here. But really other than the constant rain it’s not that bad. I’ve never really been a fan of daylight. It’s hard to explain to be honest. I just prefer the peace the dark brings. The beauty of the stars. But I do love the sight of a sunset or sunrise.” “So you’re a nature girl.” Lexi stated. “I guess you can say that.” I shrugged, moving past her to the boxes I have yet to unpack. A wave of sadness washed over me as I pulled out photos of my parents. I had so many, and in all of them they were nothing but smiles. One of me as a baby, I was cradled in my mothers arms as she stared down at me, a soft smile and adoring eyes. My dad had his arms wrapped around my mom with his large hand cradling my head. Another was me around five years old and dad was teaching me how to ride a bike. He had just let go of the seat and I was riding on my own without help. I had a beaming smile on my face while my dad stood behind me clapping. I remembered this day. It was the day I had fallen off my bike and everything changed. One by one I pulled the photos out and lined them on top of my dresser. I placed them in order, from when I was a baby all the way up until the very last picture we took together. My parents had taken me out for my eighteenth birthday. We drove for hours to reach the carnival that was happening in Charleston. We had so much fun that day. Mom was scared so dad rode all the roller coasters with me. Mom had played the carnival games with me, winning me an oversized Pikachu. Before we left it was dark and I wanted a picture of us in front of the ferris wheel while it was all lit up. A stranger had offered to take it, and we happily agreed. This one photo was the only thing I don’t regret about that day. Because it was this day that led those vampires to us, to them. They had somehow followed us all the way home without us noticing. Which was odd considering my mom was paranoid about everything. But I guess that day had worn all of us out and we slacked on keeping an eye out around us. Later that next night I had snuck out of the house to go to a party one of the popular kids in town was having. A neighbor had invited me, and I was so excited to finally go and hang out with kids my own age. I had so much fun I didn’t think about the consequences, so when I got home I was prepared to take whatever mom wanted to thrust upon me. I was not ready for what I found. Two creatures, two beings held my parents limp forms in their arms, the face buried into their necks as blood ran from them onto the floor. I was frozen with the horror of it, unable to move or speak. Unable to stop them from murdering them. I blamed myself. If I had just stayed in, moved, shouted, done something when I found the vampires latched onto them I might have been able to save them. But I didn’t. For the first time I froze. And it cost me my parents. I wiped a lone tear from my eye before it could fall and gently placed the last picture on the dresser. At the back corner of the dresser was a memorial lantern I kept lit for them, A reminder that no matter where they are, they will always be remembered, never be forgotten. “She’s beautiful.” Lexi said, coming to stand beside me and look at the photos. I smiled. “Yes, she was.” We were quiet for a long time after that, just unpacking my things and spreading them out throughout the upstairs rooms. I turned the other room into a library s***h music room. All of my books were in there, except those mom and I had tracked down. Those were going to stay locked up where no one could get them, no one but me could see them. “When do you start class?” Lexi asked me. I sighed, running my sleeve over my head to wipe sweat away before sitting on the recliner. “I start Monday, but I don’t know what my classes are yet.” “I hope you have class with me.” She said hopefully. “Then Amy will leave me alone.” Her tone dropped, her joyful face falling. “Whose Amy?” “The girl you destroyed today in the dining hall.” “Oh, you mean the barbie wanna be.” I chuckled. Lexi beamed at me. “That’s perfect.” She laughed. “She is a Barbie wanna be,” We stayed there for a few more hours just talking and getting to know one another. Lexi seemed like a really sweet girl. She was bouncy and rambunctious. She had enough energy to power an entire city and such an optimistic outlook on the world I wondered how she ever got anything done. She didn’t have many friends because there weren’t many people who could handle her energy, and I saw how upset that made her. She wanted more friends so badly but just because she was so energetic, no one would even look her way twice. It was sad really. But I was glad she did not change herself to accommodate the people around her. When Lexi finally left I locked the tower doors and made my way to the bathroom. I needed a shower, and wanted nothing more than to get in bed and snuggle under the thick comforter and sleep for days. I was exhausted. Mentally, physically and emotionally drained. I was running on nothing but fumes and the altercation with Malibu Barbie didn’t help things. I pulled out my dads old shirt that he loved so much. It was just an old harry Potter shirt that said “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” Dad loved Harry Potter. I never knew why and I never asked. Taking my clothes into the bathroom I showered. Washing my long auburn hair until it was clean and soft. When I got out I wiped the fog off the mirror and just stared at myself. I got my dads auburn hair and startling teal/aqua colored eyes. I got mom's tan skin and high cheekbones. My chin didn't have the small cleft moms did, it was round and soft. My height came from my dad. I stood a good five foot eight inches. Dad though was over six foot tall, but I was glad I didn’t end up being that tall. My shape was my own unique shape. Mom was skinny, barely any curves. But I had curves for days. I had big hips and a lean stomach. My breasts were a size D, making them pop from my smaller upper body. I was unusually broad shouldered for a woman, but it evened out the thickness of my hips, giving me the perfect hourglass figure people spent thousands of dollars to achieve. I didn’t like to showcase my body though. I always wore faminine clothes, but usually ones that were loose fitting and didn’t show anything except my breasts, which were impossible to hide. So the uniforms they had for us would be uncomfortable and form fitting. I really did not want the attention that would bring, but I also didn’t have much of a choice. Slipping into my underwear and my dad's shirt I crawled into the bed with a big yawn. Now all I had to do was hope no one would try and bother me tomorrow, that they’d all just let me sleep and rest before I had to face the student body. Because whether I was ready or not, I would be starting classes soon.
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