#Chapter 103 – Meeting the Queen

1635 Words

Jackson stares down at the tiny woman who is…god, she could be his mate’s identical twin, couldn’t she? Except, a little older… “Rafe Henry Sinclair,” the woman hisses, moving closer to the Prince, glaring daggers into his face. “What the f**k are you two playing at!?” “I’ll explain everything, mom,” Rafe growls softly through his teeth, turning away with Ari in his arms. “But right now, you need to heal her!” Jackson stares, confused at Rafe, because… Well, why is he calling this woman mom? Didn’t Ari just… And then, as the woman shoves Rafe hard on the shoulder and they start to stride towards a door built into the edge of the cliffside, everything suddenly comes together.  That woman – he’s seen her before, of course – seen her picture a thousand times in print and on television.

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