#Chapter 27 – Semifinal Rankings

1913 Words

I hurry my own pace, darting for an empty shower stall now, willing to take whichever is free – however filthy –  “Ari!” Jesse hisses behind me. “Are you – are you kidding me – is he your –“ I squeak a little in dismay. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Jesse!” I hiss, darting into the stall and yanking the curtain closed behind me. “Ari!” Jesse shrieks, and then he lowers his voice. “Are you – are you f*****g using the dream state with him!?“ “I can’t hear you!” I shout, desperate, flipping on the water even though I’m still dressed. Jesse starts to tug at the curtain but I snap it shut. “You can’t come in here!” I protest. “I’m naked!” “ARI!” Jesse shouts, completely freaked out. But suddenly he goes silent, and I go still. “What the hell is going on here?” Rafe’s voice asks,

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