#Chapter 42 – Dream Deferred

2016 Words

“What, is your subconscious homophobic?” I ask, continuing to be frustrated and a little annoyed at him for not believing me even though I’m telling him the truth and spilling a serious secret for his own good. Because honestly! I could make out with him here! And I would be the only one who knew that it was real!  I’m doing this for him, to be fair, and yet he persists in not believing me! It’s very rude. “It might be,” Luca says with a shrug, still looking down at me. “I wouldn’t think that it was, but here you are, still not kissing me, even though I keep trying. Honestly, Ari, being shut down by the figment of my own imagination is very annoying –“ “I’m real!” I insist again, this time through my teeth. “Prove it,” he says, shrugging. “Ask me anything!” “That won’t work,” he say

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