#Chapter 93 - Abandon

1436 Words

“What!” I shriek, scrambling to my knees and knocking the fruit and bread out of my lap.  “Shh!” Jackson hisses, turning back towards me and holding out a hand, looking at me like I’m crazy. “Don’t be an i***t, Ari! If we’re waiting for dawn to move into the ravine, others are too! And they will come for us! Just…be quiet, all right!?” “Jackson!” I whisper, full of rage, ignoring his words and getting to my feet, striding towards him, “you are not leaving me here!” He huffs a little laugh, clearly implying that I couldn’t stop him if I tried. “Yeah, Ari, I am.” “You are not!” I put my hands on his chest and shove, angry.  “I’ll be back!” he says, not budging an inch. “I promise, all right? I’m not abandoning you – I’ll be back at dawn, I’ll help you. I just…” And I go still as I see

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