#Chapter 74 – Awkward Moment

1536 Words

“Luca,” I growl, shoving uselessly at his shins, “let me up.” Luca just glares at Jackson at the door and then over at me. He can come to you, Luca says into my mind, possessive and predatory. I narrow my eyes at him, pissed. But there’s no time to think any more about it, because suddenly Jackson’s smokey pine scent strengthens and I look up to see him at my side.  “Here,” Jackson says, holding out the note to me and looking between Luca and I curiously. He frowns, a little, when he notices Luca’s legs stretched out over my lap. “Thanks, Jacks,” I say, smiling up at him.  “Jacks?” Luca asks, and I turn to see him raising an eyebrow, his eyes flicking between the two of us. “What, the two of you are on like…a nickname basis now?” The room is silent for a long, awkward moment as my tw

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