#Chapter 60 – Daily Life

1773 Words

Time at the Academy presents neat little patterns for us, and Rafe, Jesse, and I fall gratefully into them. Because life? It is busy. Every morning Jesse gets me up early, making me go for a run with him even before we go to breakfast. I’d enjoy these moments with my favorite cousin more if I wasn’t so damn tired every day. “Can we get a coffee maker in the suite,” I pant, my breath puffing in little clouds in the damp and foggy air. “I can’t go for these runs without the aid of caffeine.” “Come on, Scrimpy!” Jesse laughs, putting on a burst of speed and swatting me on the shoulder as he pulls ahead, obliging me to keep up. “Let your zest for life wake you in the morning! Not caffeine!” “Life would be much more zesty with a little espresso,” I growl, sighing and speeding up to keep pace

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