8 ‘You said the ortherex of this Britain are stronger,’ I said to Melmidoc. ‘And they don’t confine themselves to just troll hosts. What else do they like?’ All of the more distinctly magickal races have suffered their share of infestations, Melmidoc replied. Though, interestingly, it is only sentient creatures who are afflicted. There have been no recorded cases of ortherex feeding upon, or breeding within, any species of magickal beast. That eliminated my first theory. The only other living creatures we had encountered at Farringale were griffins. While they were splendidly magickal, I did not think they were sentient. Probably. ‘Mauf, are griffins—’ I began, opening the rich purple cover of my precious book. But there I stopped, for I’d received an eyeful of his title page. ‘….That