Laying boundaries

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“Well done Commander. Get some rest, we start again tomorrow morning” Lucas said impressed. Jessica laughed “There’s no resting yet Detective, I’m checking Mike Spencer out tonight” Lucas and the rest of the team were caught off guard “How exactly are you planning on meeting Mike?” Lucas asked surprised. “That’s not part of the plan, Jess” Peter responded. They had already made huge strides already in just one day. There was no reason at all to be hasty. Jessica understood their reaction but she had no intentions on being undercover for longer than the six months she had at state department “I’m new in town, it’s only normal for me to explore the night life around here. Mike just happens to be coming to the club I’m going to” she explained. “And how do you know this?” Lucas asked. Mike was an eligible bachelor who kept his life private, it’s not like he posted where he planned to be that night. “I did my homework” she lied. Spark had intercepted Mike’s messages but she could not tell them that because it was illegal. “Anything else we should know about this exploration?” Peter asked, still uneasy about the plan but Jessica has been spot on so far. “Nothing I can think of. Is my alias sorted?” Jessica asked, changing the subject. “Yep, all sorted. You are Jessica Mayers but prefers Jess. You grew up in a typical toxic family with substance abuse, anger and resentment. You have a record at Pellidon prison for assault and attempted murder. You were acquitted after spending one year in prison, your sentence was reversed and deemed as self defence. All photographs and records of you as Jessica Miles and the military have been removed” Lucas informed her. “Great, see you later boys” That evening, Jessica walked into Glimmer club. She turned down several advances from drooling men before reaching the bar. She immediately regretted her choice of attire. Her intentions that night was to observe her target and not attract too much attention but the above the knee silky red dress she wore brought out her best features while accentuating her fit sexy body. The low v neck showed a bit of cleavage while her confident step sent out an intimidating aura that commanded respect. Judging by the eyes on her and Mike Spencer who was heading her direction, she had to change her original strategy. Timothy who was secretly passing small packages from the corner froze for few seconds when he saw her. He moved to the dark section of the club to have a full view of her without being seen. So far Ryan’s predictions about her were valid. Judging by the heads that turned when she passed by, Jessica will definitely bring them a lot of customers. “Hey beautiful. I’m George, your bartender. Welcome to Glimmer. How can I get you?” George said charmingly accentuating his masculine chest. “Tequila sunrise, please” Jessica said with a smile, taking a seat. “Coming up” George responded tossing up the bottle to show off his mixing skills. Timothy narrowed his eyes and hid out of sight as the person he least expected caught his eye. His boss preferred private parties and scarcely showed up in clubs except when he decided to explore and keep touch with the rest of the world, it seemed that day was one of those exceptions. He wondered if the rumours of his breakup was the motivation this time as he curiously watched him make his advances on the crazy girl who was soon to be one of his employees. “Good evening Sir, private room?” George asked, shocked to see his boss in the general club section. His PI usually reserved the private room for him beforehand but had not called that day. “Hi George, no need. I will have what the lady is having” Mike responded his eyes glued on Jessica who was scanning the room, showing no interest on him. “Right away Sir” George responded almost spilling a bottle of wine trying to get Mike’s order ready fast. Mike turned his attention on Jessica “Hey, beautiful” he said charmingly, flashing his breathtaking smile. “Evening” Jessica responded, uninterested and continued looking around. “I’m Mike Spencer” he said confidently. Maybe the gorgeous woman did not know him in person. “Okay” Jessica responded with the same tone, not even looking at him. “And?” Mike said wondering if she heard him. A lot of women melted at his sight, dreamt of having a conversation with him. Her reaction was definitely confusing him. Jessica turned to look at him, her almond brown eyes focusing on his grey piercing ones “And what?” Mike hesitated “What’s your name?” “Not interested” Jessica responded, cutting him off and breaking eye contact with him. “I have not said anything yet” he cried, caught off guard. This was definitely new for him. “No need” she said with a straight face. “Seriously?” Mike was shocked by her attitude towards him but not willing to let her go that easy. “Yep” “Your loss, I’ve been told that I’m a cash” he teased, starting to enjoy the challenge. He was used to dealing with difficult business partners and board members and knew how to skilfully deal with them without breaking a sweat. “They lied to you” Jessica responded maintaining her straight face and tone. “Ouch” Lucas, who was listening over Jessica’s wire exclaimed, feeling sorry for Mike. Not long ago he was on the receiving end of Jessica’s crude attitude and knew how it felt. “That’s gonna bruise a billionaire’s ego” Peter responded to Lucas. “I’m starting to think that’s her specialty and no men is spared” Lucas suggested. “At least let me have the name of the woman that crushed my confidence” Mike pleaded with a smile. “Didn’t your mother tell you to stay away from women who crush your confidence so easy?” Mike’s smile vanished for few seconds before gaining his composure again “Not really, she’s been committed in a mental hospital since I was seven” “That sucks, I am sorry” Jessica responded softly, feeling guilty and beating herself up for bringing his mother up. In her books, it was not fair for any child to grow up without parents. “I’m gonna go now, good evening Mike” she added, getting off her seat. Mike heard her change of tone and noticed her expression soften, a change that made her more irresistible but also brought his confidence back “You don’t get to walk away before you tell me your name” he said, grabbing her left hand to prevent her from walking away. Clap! Thomas’ eyes widened behind the scenes. Their new recruit was definitely crazy and had no boundaries. He took out his phone and sent a message to Ryan informing him of what just happened. “Did she?” Sergeant Luther was too shocked to complete his sentence. “You hit me!” Mike exclaimed in disbelief, touching his cheek. “I walk away whenever I feel like, you don’t get to stop me” Jessica responded with an icy cold tone. “Yes, she did” Lucas responded to Sergeant Luther also in disbelief. “I feel like we gonna have to deal with thousands of assault cases when this mission is over” Peter responded, shaking his head. This was definitely the first undercover mission they all had where the agent was leading them instead of the other way round and unfortunately for them that agent had a hothead. Mike watched the women who slapped him join the dance floor. Loud music, lights changing in different colours and hundreds of bodies on the dance floor but his eyes were only focused on her. Her hips swinging from side to side in perfect rhythm to the music, she seemed oblivious to the chaos she created with man drooling over her but none daring enough to approach her. They had just witnessed her slapping the owner of the club with no remorse, she was safer being an eye candy to them. Mike touched his slightly sore cheek, gulped down his whisky and off he went approaching her again. Jessica did not see Mike coming until he was right behind her. She could feel his movements behind her as he matched her dancing moves with his arms around her waist. To his surprise, she did not push him away but nor did she acknowledge his presence. “Why do I get the feeling that you hate me?” Mike shouted next to her ear to overcome the loud music, his lips slightly brushing against her lobe. “I don’t even know you” she shouted back, leaving the dance floor. Mike clearly had no intentions of letting her off that easy, she needed to get out of there before she makes a blunder. “Why don’t you get to know me?” he suggested, following her. “I’ll pass” “Why?” he asked, turning his head slightly to the right in an attempt to make eye contact with her. “Why not?” Jessica asked, looking straight at him. “Are you always this difficult?” “I know what I want and it’s not you” she responded. Hit him hard and escape while he is nursing his ego was her strategy that had never failed her before. “Ouch!” Lucas exclaimed. Jessica was really ruthless. “You don’t even know me” Mike responded wondering if he ever did something to earn her attitude. “You have the superiority complex and an aura to match it. You must be kind of powerful because George over there trembled at your presence and gave you first priority. I believe that I have shut you down yet you had your hands on my waist. That means ‘No’ does not seem to register in your head. I think that’s enough for me to not want to know you” Jessica responded looking straight at him. Mike looked back at her, speechless. “I am going home now, you shall not follow me” she commanded, turned around and left. “Yes, Ma’am” Mike responded, defeated. “Who was that, George?” he asked his bartender when he saw her exit the club. “I don’t know, Sir. It was the first time I saw her” “Call me when she comes back” he instructed. No woman gives him attitude, slaps him and just walks off like that. “Yes, Sir” Outside, Jessica sighed with relief when she did not see Mike following her and hailed fora taxi to her new home. “Okay boys, you can sleep now. I am starting to like this undercover thing” she told her team when she arrived at her flat. “Off cause you do” Lucas responded sarcastically. Jessica obviously enjoyed intimidating men and this mission was giving her a free pass to do it. “Don’t you think you are being a bit too aggressive, Jess!” Peter asked, realising that his teammates were not willing to address the issue. “These people are going to be my bosses, the last thing I want is them having entitlement over my whole life. I have to lay boundaries now because I can’t do it once I’m their employee” she explained. “That’s true, just don’t hurt anyone, okay?” Peter responded. Sending a female undercover agent into a men run syndicate was always tricky because a lot of the criminal bosses felt entitled to their female employees bodies. It did not help that Jessica was very attractive. Her laying down the boundaries was crucial in how they would treat her going forward. “I won’t”she responded getting a sigh of relief from her team. “Unless I absolutely have to” she added, getting their heads spinning again. “I think I’m going to have grey hair before this mission is over!” Lucas exclaimed dramatically. “Night boys. Please turn off your mics, I need my sleep” Jessica said, ignoring Lucas’ comment. It had been a long day, she needed to take a long shower and get some rest in order to bring her ‘A’ game the following day because her life depended on it. Any mistake she made could get her killed like the many agents before her.
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