The Friendship

1418 Words
The young man returned several times after he had helped Gale, the two growing used to one another as time ticked forward. His name was Broin. He was a traveling hunter that had been passing through the area in search of game, though when he had been sidetracked by the feather he had had in his hands when Gale had chanced upon him, he had been looking for a place to rest for the evening.  "I wasn't expecting to see a dragon out here..." Broin spoke, looking up to Gale from where he was seated beside a tree across from her, a small campfire lighting up his tanned face. " I've been through here time and again and never once have I even seen signs that you lived here. The village to the south said they heard some strange noises coming from up here, but they never took the chance to see what it was. They are a superstitious bunch, so when they heard what they heard they avoided the area completely," Gale, having been partially watching him, perked her left ear. It had been silent until he had spoken, aside from the sounds of the fire. She had yet to tell him why she was here, and she didn't really want to. Not yet. It was still too fresh a wound. In some ways, she was glad the villagers hadn't come up to inspect the area. Gale gave a soft grunt. "Sometimes the best thing to do is expect the unexpected," She said softly, lowering her head to rest her chin on her forelegs as she crossed them on the ground in front of her. Her words had won a chuckle from Broin, the young hunter leaning against the bark of the tree behind him.  "I suppose so," Broin hummed, his eyes moving from the fire-oranged dragon to the flames themselves. The corners of Gale's muzzle turned up in a soft smile of her own, an expression she felt that she would have forgotten, if not for her new friend. Broin was silent for a moment or two longer before he spoke up again, his words catching Gale off guard. "So, considering the fact that you hadn't been here before, where did you come from?"  Gale shifted her head a little so she could see Broin without lifting it from where she had settled her chin. She regarded him for what felt like an eternity before she finally spoke. "Far from here," She mumbled. Broin raised an eyebrow at this response, though he didn't pressure her further. Gale kept Broin in her sights for a little while longer before she looked away again, allowing her eyes to close. She was tired. She had helped Broin hunt during the day, and having done so in her current form had left her feeling drained. She inhaled, releasing a low humming rumble of an exhale afterward. It wasn't long before she had fallen asleep, thankful for the lack of nightmares. She remained asleep for some time before she heard something that jarred her awake.  Lifting her head quickly, the first thing Gale noticed was the fire was out. Second, Broin was asleep. He was where he had been when she had dozed herself. So it wasn't him that had been making the noises that she heard in the trees. Taking in a heavy breath, she picked something off the wind. A familiar stench, mixing with the thick scent of herbs. With a low growl, she lifted her wings some to make herself look bigger, though she stopped herself short. Broin. She didn't want to risk him being seen. Reaching over, she grabbed him by the shirt with her paw, startling him awake. "What are you..." he started but was silenced by a huff coming from Gale's nostrils. She pulled him close to her, scooping him under one of her wings and pinning him against her side with the feathers and leathery membrane that grew from beneath them. Broin didn't move, but she could feel him shifting enough to press himself against her side where she had positioned him.  "I was wondering where I would find you. You've managed to make this entire little spot of forest your home quite well," The dark voice of the Wizard came through from the trees before he finally stepped from behind the brush. Gale prayed deep in her thoughts that he hadn't seen Broin, wanting to keep her new friend safe. Baring her teeth at the Wizard, she gave a hiss of a warning for him to stay back. His eyes flicked from her in a careless manner to the blackened spot on the ground where the campfire had been. Gale felt her heart leap into her throat as he approached it, kicking some of the ashes around with the toe of one of his black booted feet. "Seems you still cook your meat. Not that you really need to," He mused before he looked at Gale again. He approached her, her wing clamping against Broin where he was tucked beneath it. Reaching out, the Wizard made an attempt to touch Gale's feathers. With a swift motion, she stood, glad that she had scooped Broin into her wing as she had. Growling, she snapped her jaws at the Wizard's arm, though she had missed. She had done so purposefully, not wanting to invoke any kind of retaliation from him that would put Broin in danger. Raising a brow, the figure watched as Gale backed away from him, her lip wrinkled up in a snarl. "Don't you touch me..." She hissed at him. "In time. When you see that I did this for your own good," He spoke, his words leaving his lips as though he were talking to a child. Gale narrowed her eyes at him as he started toward her again, her fur bristling this time. "Now now..." He spoke, lifting a hand. His fingers crackled with electricity, causing Gale's ears to go back against her head. "Is that any way to thank someone?" The Wizard hummed as he stopped just at Gale's muzzle. Reaching out with his free hand, he settled it on her nose, Gale jerking back from his touch. She nearly reacted on instinct, wanting to lash out and bite his hand clean off, though she was stopped by the gentle touch of a hand beneath her wing against her ribs. She hadn't realized it, but her heart was racing, thundering in her chest loud enough that she was sure it could be heard outside her body. Instead of snapping the man's hand clean off, she focused on Broin's touch, ignoring the Wizard as he touched her nose again, though it didn't stop her from baring her teeth at him. With a smirk, the Wizard moved his hand away. Grasping one of the whiskers that grew from her upper lip, he smoothed it through his fingers, inspecting the soft tuft at the end before he went on to inspect the fur that ran down the side of her neck and over her shoulder. She was thankful for the fact that he had gone around the side that Broin wasn't being harbored on, more so when she felt him slide a hand under her wing. She pulled the appendage away from him and stepped aside, turning to face him again. Smirking at her once more, the Wizard watched Gale as she moved. "Don't..."  "As I have said... in time you will allow it," The response sent a chill down Gale's spine. She watched as he turned toward the forest, giving a shrill whistle. From the trees burst forth a large black shape, a growl leaving the beast's muzzle. She recognized it as the creature that had helped him capture her. Her anxiety grew once more, hoping that it didn't catch onto Broin's scent. She had been able to hide him from the Wizard, but something that was like herself... she couldn't guarantee his safety. Broin's hand brushed over her side once more, but it wasn't enough to settle her this time. The creature stepped forward toward her, ignoring the Wizard as he tried to get it to turn away. Gale growled, backing away as best she could until she found her behind pinned against a large tree. Hissing, the creature lifted its head to sniff at her, huffing against her fur and feathers. The Wizard had begun shouting demands at it, though it ignored him completely. It had caught Broin's scent.
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