Peaceful Ride

1280 Words
Gale kept a hand placed softly on the wolf's head as she walked, the animal's tongue lolling from its mouth. Looking down at the wolf, she took in a better view of it as they walked. The wolf was large, and she had determined that it was a larger than average she-wolf. Her fur was an almost black grey that contrasted vividly with her dark amber eyes. As they neared the outcrop, the two soldiers moved to walk in front of Gale and the wolf, taking up their places at the guard again, the rest of the soldiers had been watching from where they were standing. Broin looked from Gale to the wolf as they reached the outcrop as well, though when Gale continued forward, the she-wolf stopped outside. Gale looked at her, but she didn't force her to come any closer. She wasn't going to do anything that might set the wolf off. If she were to stick around, Gale didn't want to damage the already fragile bond that she shared with the animal. "What's that all about?" Broin asked, looking from the wolf to Gale.  The young woman shrugged her shoulders a little. "I'm not sure. She was attacking the Grey and when I killed it, she started following me. I'm not sure what's going on but I'm not going to question it. If she follows us and decides to stay, I'm not going to drive her off. If she fights with us, it might give us an advantage. Beyond that... it's not often that a wild wolf bonds with someone. She has no pack... I'm wondering if the Greys had something to do with it. She didn't even make a motion to howl when the Grey was dead..." Gale's words trailed off and she furrowed her brow. If the wolf had no pack, maybe the Grey she had been attacking had something to do with that directly. Maybe that was why it was missing an ear and had a chunk missing from its leg. With a sigh, Gale looked back at the wolf. When she did, the animal tilted her head, her ears perking up as if she waited for Gale to say or do something. Instead, Gale smiled a little and went to get a piece of venison for the wolf. Taking it out to the she-wolf, Gale held it out to her.  "Gale..." Broin started, the sour flavor of worry crawling up his throat. Before he could say anything else, the wolf leaned forward and gingerly took the chunk of meat from Gale's hand. How it had done so would have led anyone to believe that it was a tamed and friendly dog. Once she had finished the snack, the wolf leaned forward and sniffed at Gale's hand, making her laugh a little as the wolf's whiskers tickled her palm. Broin smiled softly at this, his worry dwindling as he watched her rub the space between the wolf's ears. He hadn't heard him approach, but Harland laughed lightly beside him, making him flinch a little. "You'll figure out in time that Gale has a way with animals. I've never seen a wolf do this with her before, but I've seen foxes and other smaller animals make friends with her," Harland spoke, clapping a hand on Broin's shoulder. The wolf looked from Gale to the two men, one of her ears tipping back against her skull before she returned her attention to the young woman that sat in front of her. Broin couldn't help but feel a little surprised at the fact that Harland didn't seem to worry at all about Gale and the wolf. However, he put it up to the fact that if the wolf did try to do anything beyond her currently dog-like behavior, Gale would be able to hold her own. When she got to her feet, the she-wolf rose with her, this time following her when Gale went into the outcrop as she went to help the others pack. As Gale moved from site to site beneath the outcrop, the wolf followed. Occasionally, she would sniff at the people they passed, some of them stepping aside away from her with a worried expression on their faces. Others watched her with fascination, their eyes wide with awe. Gale didn't seem to notice, having set her mind to helping out the others. Once everyone had packed and the horses had been saddled up, they mounted up and headed out. Gale had opted to walk, wanting to make sure the wolf kept up with them. Broin looked over his shoulder toward Gale, watching her as she walked with the wolf. "Gale, you know she can keep up with a horse, right? Wolves are pretty fast on their feet. More so right now that we are just at a walk. At a run, they might give her a hard time, but that wouldn't last for very long," Broin spoke, turning back around to watch where he was going. Gale listened to this, her gaze shifting to the wolf at her side. The she-wolf walked with her tongue lolling out of her mouth again, her ears perked forward and listening to the sounds around her. She slowed a little, looking back over her shoulder once as though saying goodbye to the previous home she had had, though this didn't stop her from following Gale afterward.  "If she can keep up, I'll ride with you," Gale spoke softly after a moment. As Broin slowed his horse, Gale turned to the wolf and offered her hand before she gave her a gentle rub between her ears. "Stay close, okay? We will stop again when it gets dark," She gave the she-wolf a soft pat on her shoulder before she moved to get up onto the back of Broin's horse. Gale wrapped her arms about Broin's waist, listening as he clicked to his horse, who started forward again. The horse didn't seem to mind the wolf walking beside it, and Gale could assume that this was because of the large dogs that might roam the village Broin was from. Resting her head against Broin's shoulder, Gale thought about what was waiting for them.  Between the village and whatever else they might encounter, there was a lot buzzing in Gale's head despite the soft chanting that still remained. With what all had been going on, Gale was able to tune it out, however, when she let her mind clear, the sound was there. With a sigh, Gale turned her head, watching as the wolf trotted along beside her. She couldn't help but wonder if she would go into the village with them, or if she would stick to the forests if there were any near the village itself. Either way, she would be glad for her company if she ever went out to sit in the trees. Gale lost herself in the way the wolf moved, her muscles causing her fur to shine in the sunlight as she kept up with them. From behind them, Harland smiled some.  Despite the changes that had come over her, Gale was still the same young woman that he knew before she had gone missing. This, he would always admit, was something he was glad for. With the wolf at her side, he relaxed even more. Not just because it was a wolf, but because of what that wolf had done. It had the bravery to attack a beast that could have easily torn it to shreds. That was enough to settle him, knowing if she traveled with the wolf, she would likely be safer than traveling with someone that he sent with her.
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