The Revival

1329 Words
Broin watched with wide eyes as the light began to filter through Gale's fur. Stepping back, he joined the villagers that stood a little ways behind him, their eyes just as focused on what was going on as his own. Those that could stand were standing so still they almost looked like statues. The ones that couldn't were seated on the ground. Wysteria remained motionless, her hands holding the staff, the end of it still rested on the pearl. Only a few seconds had passed, but it felt like hours before something finally happened.  Gale's eyes sprung open, a heavy inhale drawing into the dragon's lungs that seemed to cause the very ground to rumble under Wysteria's feet. Broin reached out and grabbed the young man by the arm as he tried to hurry to Gale, shaking his head. "We don't know what is going on yet, Dillan..." he said, the man staying where he was beside Broin. Slowly, Gale began to move, getting to her feet. Letting out a roar, she outstretched her wings, the sound carrying through the air. A few of the villagers covered their ears against the roar, their faces twisting a little in pain. When the roar finally ended, Gale looked down at Wysteria, who had moved the staff away from the pearl.  She eyed her, for a moment seeming to still be under the effects of the magic that had been used on her, though when a gentle expression crossed her face, it was made clear that Gale was back to her old self. She lowered her head after regarding the young woman in front of her, resting her muzzle against Wysteria's forehead, causing her to nearly drop the staff as she wrapped her arms around her head. Gale gave a soft huff, lifting her head after a moment or two. Taking a step back, Gale seated herself down and picked up the pearl. There was a moment or two of silence before something else began to take place. The pearl seemed to crack, light shimmering from between the pieces of it before it crumbled, the particles floating into the air before they vanished completely. The light that had been seeping into Gale's fur and the air around her soon began to fade as well, leaving them once again in almost complete darkness.  Wysteria turned to her friends, Broin finally letting go of Dillan's arm and allowing him to run to Gale. She gave a light thrum when he wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "Hello, my curious friend," She purred, bumping her head against his shoulder before the rest began to join them, each setting their hands on her fur and wings. Gale lifted her head and looked around, her eyes tracing over each of the villagers before she looked over her shoulder. "How many have we lost?" She asked, her pleasing tone replaced with a somber note as she seemed to remember what had happened.  "A few... not as many as we could have but we lost a few," Broin responded, his gaze shifting from Gale to Wysteria. The young woman was standing beside Gale, all but having forgotten what had happened between her and the dragon. Wysteria reached out and set a hand against the dragon's wing, drawing her attention away from the villagers and onto herself.  "Wysteria..." Gale whispered, moving a little to stand and face the girl, pulling her against the fluff of her chest. She was met with arms wrapping as far around her as they could go, and fingers in her fur. "I am so sorry for what happened... I hope that I didn't hurt you..." She whispered, resting her head against Wysteria's back. The young woman shook her head. "It wasn't you... it's alright, Gale," She whispered into the dragon's softly scented fur. "You had no control over what he was making you do... you tried to fight it and I know that if anything had happened it was not your fault," She lifted her head to look at Gale, watching her softly for a moment before she looked away again and toward Broin. He stood where he was, giving them space for the time being before he would approach or say anything. His gaze was on the wizard, almost as though trying to piece together what had happened. He hadn't seen much, but he had seen Gale going after Wysteria and Alerone had been the one controlling it. He was still damp from being tossed in the lake. Gently, Wysteria moved away from Gale and approached Broin, reaching to set a hand on his arm. "Why don't we get a fire going before you catch a cold?" She spoke, Broin's eyes flicking to her.  "I'm alright," Broin's voice was hushed like he was still lost in his thoughts. Gale looked over to her friends, watching worriedly for a moment as Broin stepped around Wysteria to stand in front of her. Lifting a hand, he settled it on the bridge of her nose. Gale didn't move at first, though as Broin's hand sat on the soft fur of her face, she felt the need to draw him closer.  Reaching out with a paw, Gale drew Broin close as she had done to Wysteria, tucking her head around his back and holding him close to her fur. Broin smiled a little, resting his head against her chest, listening to the heavy thud of her heart. He was glad to finally hear it, having been worried that they wouldn't ever hear the sound again. After all the fighting that they had done, and the fight that he was sure was to come if the Crone decided to step in, that was something that he wasn't prepared to face. This thought made him rest his hands on Gale's shoulders, his fingers burying into her fur as he stepped closer to her. Gale released a soft, comforting thrum as she felt her friend move. "It's going to be alright..." She whispered, lifting her head to bump her muzzle against his shoulder. "We've got one more obstacle to face... one more storm to weather..." she lifted her head as Broin moved his face from her fur, his eyes meeting hers.  Broin stepped back, taking Gale's muzzle in his hands and kissing her on the soft fur of her nose. "And we will be here to face it all with you. Won't we?" He asked, turning to the villagers. There was a shout from the center of the group, the rest joining in. Their cheers showed that they would stand with Broin and Wysteria to help Gale. The fight and the loss of some of their friends had done little to break their willfulness. Gale was grateful for their help, and the help of her friends. "Get some rest. We don't know when the next fight will be. I am sorry that this one was so unexpected. The next might be more so. Take the time to grieve for our fallen friends," Broin spoke, looking from them and back to Gale, taking her face once more in his hands. Placing another gentle kiss to her nose, he let go of her nose to go help bury their fallen. She turned to Wysteria, who was standing beside her father. With this battle and the fight with her mother, the young woman had been rendered an orphan.  "Wysteria... let me help you," Gale said, getting up from where she was seated, going over to help her friend, preparing a hole for his final resting place. Once this was complete, Wysteria stood beside Gale, holding onto the staff her father had once used.  "I suppose I should learn how to use this. I don't even really know how I did what I did for you..." She whispered. "However, I think with a little practice I can figure it out. I have managed with just my hands for several years, how hard can this be?" 
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