The Ultimatum

1520 Words
Gale took her father as far as she could, exploring the further reaches of her territory with him. She took him over the lake, past the mountains, and over the forests. She could hear him over her shoulder, the excited whoops as she dipped down and then back up into the sky again reaching her ears and making her smile more than ever. The excitement in her father was something she honestly hadn't expected. She had expected him to be worried about falling, but he had proved her wrong. Both he and Broin had. She understood Dillan's worries, but she was glad for the excitement.  She turned back toward the campsite after a little while, making her way back to the rest of the group. "We'll have to do this again sometime. Perhaps when you come home, you can show them that you are nothing to be feared. When the word of dragons travels, they are wary because they are used to the violent creatures that want to destroy everything they come in contact with. However, I think you might be able to make them see otherwise," Her father spoke to her, his hands rested in her fur at her shoulders. Gale flicked an ear back to listen to him, nodding once.  "I hope that is something that can be accomplished. And hopefully, the work of the wizard will be destroyed with the Crone when she finally falls. What he wanted to do... it's not something that should have ever been thought of," Gale spoke, her voice rumbling a little as she did so. She didn't see her father behind her, but she knew that he would agree. The things Alerone wanted to accomplish by bringing dragons back into existence were wrong. Bringing back dragons for the sake of destroying the world as they knew it... Gale snorted a little at the thought. She felt her father pat her on the shoulder, able to sense her tension.  It took a little time, but they eventually reached the campsite, Gale landing near the water. Her father didn't climb down right away, the older man had been enjoying the view and the ride. It wasn't every day that you met a dragon, let alone got the chance to ride on the back of one. His face fell a little, considering that his daughter was the dragon he had met. Lingering for a moment, he brushed a hand over her fur before he climbed down off her back, sliding beneath her wing and to the ground. Gale turned to him, smiling softly at him for a moment before he patted her nose lovingly. "Thank you, Gale. For giving me something I'd never have experienced before," He spoke to her, brushing his thumb over her nose. Gale nuzzled her nose against his palm, her eyes closing briefly before she heard someone call to them. Looking up, she spotted Wysteria and Dillan standing nearby, Wysteria waving. Dillan's arm supported her gently about her waist, being careful of the injury on the young woman's side. Her free hand was rested on the top of the staff, using it a little like a walking stick. The two of them moved carefully as they started over toward Gale and her father. She watched the two of them for a moment before she felt her father pat her cheek. Gale turned her head toward him again, the older man smiling softly before he nodded toward her friends. "Go on, this old man is going to get something to fill his stomach and rest. That was quite a bit of excitement," He chuckled, giving his daughter one more pat on the cheek before she turned to her friends.  Going to the two, she nosed Dillan's shoulder before she felt Wysteria gently grip her fur, supporting herself as she moved to give Gale a hug. "How was the flight with your father?" She questioned softly. Gale thrummed, nuzzling Wysteria. "It was great. I hadn't expected him to enjoy it so much," Gale admitted, lifting her head and turning to look over her shoulder as her father made his way toward the center of the camp. The older man had gone to do as he said he would, seating himself beside one of the soldiers, he reached for a piece of freshly roasted deer meat. Gale's chest rumbled a little as she gave another pleased sound before she turned back to her friends, Wysteria still resting against her fur. "Thank you for keeping her company," Gale spoke to Dillan next, the young man smiling up at the dragon. "Gale, glad to see you are back in one piece," Broin called, teasing softly as he walked up to her on her right. Gale turned to him and smiled, leaning to butt his head softly with her nose. He laughed some, his hands moving to meet the sides of her face, his fingers touching against the soft skin beneath her fur. Kissing her nose, he gave a soft, content sigh. Gale's thrums turned into a soft purr, the sound barely audible from a distance. Gale nuzzled her head softly against Broin's, standing with him as she was. Wysteria giggled softly, the dragon opening an eye to look at the young woman from where she stood with Dillan. She gave a playful snort at the sorceress before she turned her attention back to Broin. He held her muzzle for a moment longer before gently letting her go. Gale lifted her head and peered around the camp, her instinct telling her to check on everyone before she would give herself a moment to rest.  "Everyone is here and accounted for," Gale heard Dillan speak, her ear flicking back a little to listen to the young man before she nodded. This was enough to settle her, the dragon moving a little to start toward the fire, her friends following. When she seated herself, something to her right made her turn. Ears going back, she gave a low growl as she stood back up, her wings raising a little. "Gale?" Dillan questioned, his tone of voice concerned. Before he could get an answer, Gale leaped over the three of them, rushing toward the trees with a vicious roar. Worried, Dillan helped Wysteria sit, he and Broin going after Gale. Behind them, a few of the soldiers had stood as well, some of them moving to surround Wysteria and Gale's father, so as to keep them safe. Dillan and Broin slid to a stop beside Gale, their eyes widening when they saw what it was that had worked the dragon up as it had. The Crone. She stood just at the edge of the trees, one hand on a large staff, the other rested on the head of one of the wolf-like creatures they had encountered in the forest. The wolf creature growled, baring its teeth from beneath its scaley muzzle at the dragon and her companions. "So this is what you have been doing with your time, hmm?" The Crone spoke, her voice not showing an ounce of fear at the muzzle that hung over her head, teeth exposed and a snarl in the throat attached. Broin moved to stand closer to Gale, his bow lifted and an arrow set and ready to draw back if he needed to. The Crone's milky gaze flicked to him, then back to Gale in a manner of disinterest. "Put the weapons away, dear. I merely came to make an offer. One that I think your friend here would like to hear..." The Crone croaked as she spoke, shifting a little as though to take a step toward Gale, though both Dillan and Broin drew their arms up, one drawing a sword, the other knocking the arrow into place. Gale looked at the two of them before she narrowed her eyes at the Crone. "Forgive us for not trusting anything that comes out of your mouth," The dragon growled, the Crone giving her a toothless smirk. Gale felt her fur beginning to bristle, her anger beginning to get the best of her at the sight of the woman that had helped destroy the life she had known. "We all have our needs, dear... and mine have yet to be met..." She hissed, the hound at her side once more snarling at the three. She patted the beast on the head, silencing its growling before she continued. "There is a staff here that I need to have in hand... give it to me and you will get your freedom," The words reached Gale's ears, making them pin back against her head. That was not something she was willing to risk.  "Not a chance..." Gale hissed back, lowering her head a little. Smoke began to rise from her nose, the Crone shrugging a shoulder.  "Suit yourself..." She spoke, lifting a hand. As she did so, the sounds of snarling sounded from around them. Gale lifted her head, her eyes widening as a large pack of the wolf creatures stepped from the trees, spanning half of the campsite. "You've got one more chance to comply," 
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