Gathering of Friends

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Gale laid down to give the villagers time to adjust to her, listening as they murmured amongst themselves. They reminded her of children seeing something for the first time. After some time, she adjusted herself to sit upright again, the villagers that had been standing beside her backing up some to allow room for her to do so. One of them soon began to speak. "Broin tells us you were once human..." He said, watching Gale as he waited for her response. Gale's ears perked a little before they went back against her head. She gave a solemn nod. "Do you speak?" Again, Gale nodded. "I do," She spoke, the villagers looking between themselves with surprise. "Everything that you may have heard from Broin is true," She added, some of them frowning a little.  "He has told us what we needed to know... there are a few among us that would like to know more if it's not an issue," Another man in the back of the group was the next to speak. Gale looked to Broin, who was seated beside Wysteria, both of her friends watching her intently. Drawing in a breath, Gale thought for a moment before she exhaled through her nostrils and closed her eyes.  "Alright... let me start from the beginning..." Gale began, her eyes remaining closed for a moment before she opened them again and began to tell the villagers her story from the start. As she spoke, explaining her situation, some of the villagers grew agitated, their previously calm expressions turning angry. By the end, they looked beyond furious. "And that is how I became what you see now. It wasn't by choice... I wish that there was more that I could say to try to explain things a little better to you, but what I have said to you is the truth,"  One of the villagers approached Gale, moving around her side and standing in front of her, looking up at the large beast that sat in front of him. He watched her for a moment and she could read the sympathy on his face, his already age wrinkled face wrinkling further as he furrowed his brow. Gently, he reached up to set his hands on either side of Gale's face, much in the manner that Broin and Wysteria did, his fingers nestling into her fur. "We will make this right, young Gale," He said softly, his hands moving lightly as she nodded once, lowering her head to rest her muzzle against his forehead.  "Thank you. All of you," Gale whispered as she lifted her head away from the man's forehead. She looked over each of the people that had gathered, that had followed her friend. They all seemed to agree with what the man had said, his words still resounding in Gale's own head. Broin stood from where he was seated beside Wysteria, moving over to Gale's side.  "I think I can speak for everyone when I say that they are going to have one hell of a fight on their hands. Gale has already taken down a large block in our fight, and if any of you can muster up anyone else that might be able to help us... feel free. We are going to need all that we can get. The Wizard might have retreated for the time being, but when he finds out that his pawn has been destroyed, he is going to be furious. You all are aware of this, and if any of you decide to part ways, I can't say that we blame you," Broin looked up to Gale, who had turned her head to watch him, an intense expression on her face. He gave her a soft smile before he turned his attention back onto the men that had gathered. Wysteria had stood up by now, taking up the other side of Gale.  Wysteria's hand found Gale's fur, her fingers brushing against the soft skin beneath the fine hair strands. The dragon's gaze turned on her, the intensity in her eyes softening a little at the way Wysteria watched her. It was a reassuring expression on her friend's face, her soft face turned up at the corners of her lips with a tender smile. With the friends she had, and the newer friends that she had just made, Gale felt like they could take on the world. She knew there was a lot that they were going to need to discuss, and there was a lot that they were going to need to do, but she still felt as though things were finally going right. With Grimora gone, and Wysteria on their side, it was even more likely that things would go their way. Gale didn't allow this to cloud her judgment though. She knew that things could change without warning. Drawing in a breath and humming a sigh, Gale's focus went to Broin, who had gone about finishing up the fish for Wysteria. The villagers soon dispersed, settling into their own groups and either relaxing after the long travel from the village to where they were now, or watching Gale as she moved about their makeshift camp by the lake. Wysteria sat by the fire as the fish cooked, watching Broin curiously.  When Broin noticed the way Wysteria was watching him, he looked up from the fire, his brow pinching a little. "Something wrong?" he asked, setting back on his behind from the crouched position he had been sitting in. Wisteria shook her head with a soft smile. "No. I just understand now why Gale likes you the way she does," She responded, looking toward the dragon as she stopped near one of the groups. She smiled as Gale caught a chunk of jerky tossed to her by one of the younger men. "She needs you, and you are doing everything right by her by helping her here. I can help, but what you are doing... that's beyond anything I could have done. I don't know anyone that would be willing to fight. They are all on my father's side..." Wysteria looked to Broin again. "I'm just doing what any decent human would do. Your situation isn't much better than Gale's, judging by what your mother said to you. If your father wasn't able to do what he wanted when you were a child... he's going to try to take that chance now that your mother isn't in the picture. I would like it if you stayed close to Gale when the time comes. She'll be able to protect you," Broin's green eyes moved back to the fire. "You are a great friend to her as well. I know she'd be heartbroken if we lost you too," Wysteria smiled warmly, lifting her gaze to the sky. She watched as the stars began to dot the inky black through the clouds as they began to break. The storm had passed, for now. There was an even bigger one to come, though. And unlike the rainstorm they had just had, it wasn't one that Wysteria was looking forward to. Shaking away the thoughts, she tested the fish as it cooked, leaning back to rest against Gale as she returned to her friends. 
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