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Gale was silent as they walked, though she seemed to be in a brighter mood for the most part. She watched ahead, her eyes and ears alert. No one asked her if she was alright, the way she carried herself giving off that she was doing a bit better with the position she was in. Flicking an ear back, Gale listened to the sounds of hooves and chatter around her, occasionally adjusting her wings. Wysteria, having settled herself on her back, looked up and into the sky. The bright blue had begun to darken as night drew in on them, though it didn't seem to halt their progress. Once night had officially settled in, the company came to a halt. "We'll stop here for the night. The valley has too many low points to safely walk the horses," The lead of the soldiers spoke up, turning a little to address them all. Gale perked her ears, listening to the man before she stopped. Wysteria climbed down from Gale's back, settling beside her as the dragon sat down.  Wysteria stood where she was for a moment or two before she heard her name being called. Looking over toward the source, Gale saw her face light up. Following her gaze, Gale could see why.  Dillan had regained consciousness, the young man trying to sit up. Gale watched as Wysteria ran to him, dropping to her knees beside him where they helped him settle on the ground. Smiling softly, Gale moved to start over to the two, though she was stopped by someone setting a hand on her wing. Turning, Gale met Toby's gaze. "Let them have a moment before you go over. I know it's a great thing to see young Dillan awake again, but it would be a good idea to give him and Wysteria a few moments to themselves," he said, his tone gentle. Gale watched him for a moment or so before she nodded, looking over to the pair before she backed up and sat down again. Toby smiled at her, patting her wing before he went to continue helping set up the camp for the night. Gale remained where she was for a few moments before she moved to make herself busy, helping the soldiers move wood for the fire and clear a spot for the fire itself.  Once everything was set up, Gale helped them light the fire by breathing onto the pile of wood, moving off a way to lay down. With a sigh, she rested her head on her forepaws, watching the soldiers and villagers for a moment or two before she drifted off a little. However, she woke herself up again, standing and stretching some before she looked over to Dillan and Wysteria. The two sat speaking quietly, Wysteria holding Dillan's hands gently in her own. There was a soft smile on Dillan's face, his eyes intent on Wysteria's face. Smiling softly herself, Gale moved away from where she was standing to see if she could find Broin. He wasn't too far away from where she had been resting, brushing out one of the horses. Upon reaching him, Gale gave a soft snort toward Broin. Turning, he lifted his hand in a light wave toward her.  "Hello," Broin greeted her, his tone light. He moved to continue brushing out the horse, Gale sitting down behind him.  "Hello. I just wanted to come and let you know that Dillan has woken up. Wysteria has been sitting with him for a time," Gale turned her head to look toward the pair. She couldn't quite see them from where she was settled at the time, however. Broin's voice drew her back from her thoughts. "I'm glad he's awake. I was worried for a while that he wasn't going to come back to us," Broin sat the brush he had been using on the horse aside, going over to Gale. Lifting a hand, he settled it against the side of her neck, running his fingers through her fur. "I'm glad you are doing alright as well. You had me worried when we were hunting. You kind of hung in limbo between forms for a few minutes,"  Gale nodded once. "I'm alright, Broin. I suppose it's just part of the new change," She voiced her thoughts, shifting some to lay down. Tucking her front paws beneath her chest, Gale sighed. "To be honest, it leaves me feeling a little tired. Not quite as tired as the old change, but tired nonetheless," Broin chuckled. "I'm sure it does. Carrying someone around doesn't really help to be honest. You carry Wysteria more than you do anyone else. Though I suppose that's because she feels responsible for you," Broin's words made Gale's ears droop a little. Noticing this, Broin frowned. "I'm sorry," "No... it's me that needs to be sorry. She had nothing to do with what happened to me, though she takes it on as if she did. I wish there was some way to make her realize that it's not her responsibility,"  "Unfortunately, I don't think that there is. She seems stuck in her ways. Especially when it comes to you," Broin sat down beside Gale, reaching to set an arm on her large forelimb. Gale flicked an ear back ever so slightly, the movement barely registering as a turn. She knew that Broin was speaking the truth. There wasn't much she could do that would change this. Resting her head on her paws, Gale watched the horses as they grazed on the grass in their reach. Sighing, she closed her eyes. She didn't intend to fall asleep, her ears listening to the world around her. Registering the sound of someone walking up to the, she opened her eyes and lifted her head. Turning to look over her shoulder some, she spotted Toby. "Dillan says to tell the two of you that he is sorry. I talked a bit of sense into the lad, but he insisted that I still deliver the message. He has also been informed that we are going back to the village and that the Crone was defeated," The older man sat down beside Broin, looking up at Gale. "You are truly a mystery, are you aware of this?" Gale's ears pinned back in a light-hearted manner. His words had been playful in nature, and Gale had picked up on it. "Tell me something that we don't all already know. I don't even know that much about myself anymore," Gale thrummed a response to the old man, who laughed heartily.  "That's not very good, though I'm sure that as the time passes, you will get it all figured out. Your father is getting some sleep, by the way. I'm sure it's a good idea that we all do the same at some point," Toby looked away from Gale to the sky, watching the stars as they began to dot the darkening sky. "It's going to be a beautiful night, and even more so when we get closer to home,"  Broin smiled some. Neither he nor Gale could agree more on this. Gale was glad to get out of the area she had been held captive in, and Broin was glad to finally see home. In both cases, it was going to be a joyous one.
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