Troubled Mind

1298 Words
The two women sat and spoke for a time, their tea almost going cold as they did. However, upon realizing that they had almost forgotten the floral drink, the young woman poured fresh tea into their cups. The young woman's name was Snow, and the home she lived in was the first she had lived in that wasn't with her parents. She and Koda had gone on their own after they found out she was carrying. Gale's thoughts drifted as she listened to Snow talk about the field on the edge of town.  Knowing that Snow lived close to her parents settled her a little, though not by much. The young woman would still be raising the child without the father. Unknown to Gale, her face had screwed up in sadness. Her brow had knitted, and her lips had taken on a frown. Snow watched her for a few seconds before she spoke up. "Gale? Is everything alright?" She asked. Gale snapped from her thoughts. When she turned her head to look at Snow, the young woman offered her a smile. The expression on Gale's face had faded almost as quickly as it had formed, bringing a little relief to Snow.  "I was just thinking about something," Gale reassured the young woman that sat across from her. She wouldn't burden her with what was really on her mind. Shifting a little in her seat, Snow smiled. Gale could see that the look on Snow's face showed that she was wondering what exactly Gale had been thinking about. When she didn't say, Snow didn't seem to mind. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before the sound of a knock on the door made them both turn. The wolf, who had settled beneath the table between their feet, lifted her head with a low growl. "Easy," Gale said softly, moving a little to stand so Snow didn't have to. When she opened the door, Broin stood on the other side with Snow's parents. She stepped to the side, allowing the three in. Snow got to her feet and hugged her mother, her father wrapping his arms around the two of them. For a moment, Gale stood near the door. Her chest ached with something that she never wanted to feel again, but she knew that she would. If not in the following days, then in the future. She turned away as Snow began to cry, tears welling in her own eyes.  "Come on," Broin said softly, looking over to Snow and her family. He met her father's gaze, the older man nodding once. There was no hate or anger in his eyes, but sadness. He understood. Broin lead Gale out of the house, the wolf ducking out with them as they made their way out into the street. The villagers and their families had gone into their homes, presumably to catch up on what was missed. There were a few stragglers that walked about, holding their loved ones in their arms or walking with them quietly. There were a rare few that walked alone, though they didn't seem to mind. They looked about their village as though they had never thought to see it again. Gale flinched when Broin touched her, his hand placed gently between her shoulder blades. Noticing the flinch, Broin stopped walking. He drew her against his chest, resting his chin on her head. "Gale..." He started, but Gale shook her head. "Don't... Broin," She whispered. She didn't want to hear again how it wasn't her fault. This was enough to keep Broin from continuing. Instead, he sighed. The soft puff of his breath against the top of her head made a slight tingle rush down Gale, but she ignored it. She stood as she was, her hands softly placed on either side of Broin's waist, his own rested on her shoulders. Nothing was said between the two of them for the time being before they moved on.  When they stopped walking again, they were standing in front of Broin's home. It looked much like Snow's from the outside, but when they went in, Gale could see for sure that it looked like the home of a hunter. The walls were decorated with hides and skulls from his past hunts. Some were deer and others were badgers and one looked like a fox. As Gale looked around a little from where she stood near the door, Broin closed the door. The wolf had automatically taken up a space near the fireplace, flopping onto a hide that Broin had laid out on the floor like a carpet. His chuckle at this drew Gale from her thoughts. Looking to her, Broin held out a hand as he sat down on the cot of furs he used as a blanket. "I'm going to have to get a bigger cot, hmm?" He questioned. Gale didn't move right away before she approached. Sitting down beside Broin, she turned and buried her face into his chest. Broin frowned, lowering his hand and resting it against her back. He didn't say anything further, not wanting to upset her any more than she already was. Instead, Broin shifted a little to lay back on the cot, bringing Gale with him. She didn't fight, seeming to actually want to lay down with him. Tucking into him as far as she could without shoving him off the cot, Gale sighed.  "I'm sorry," She whispered, Broin shaking his head a little as he brushed her hair back and kissed the top of her head.  "You have nothing to be sorry about," He said, leaving his words at this. She didn't, and he would tell her so every time she apologized. If she had felt the need to ask why he thought this, he would list it off for her. He had plenty of reasons. However, she didn't ask. She simply lay with her head on his chest, watching the wolf where she had taken up her space on the hide. Broin turned his head to look at her as well. "You would think she was meant to be there," He mumbled. Gale gave a short nod, though she didn't speak. Her thoughts were elsewhere, and it seemed that no matter what he did, Broin couldn't drag her out of them. He would give her a few days to adjust to living where she was before he tried. He didn't want to cause any problems for her beyond what her mind was already bringing forth. The wolf gave a quiet snort as she had begun to sniff at the hide, Broin looking her way again. He had been watching Gale, though the sound had drawn him from his own mind. "What are you doing?" He asked the wolf, her head shooting up as she looked at him. The dark amber of her eyes unnerved him as she stared at him, one ear going back against the dark fur of her head. He held her gaze for a moment before she took a step toward them. This made him look away. If the dogs that ran around town hadn't taught him, the animals that he hunted had. You don't stare a wild animal in the eye. Especially a wolf. He didn't move when he felt her sniffing at his shoulder and arm, though he relaxed a little when he felt her lick his arm. Reaching over carefully, he placed his hand on the wolf's head.  In the silence, there was a change in Gale's breathing, making Broin look to see that she had fallen asleep. Smiling a little, he remained as he was with her, one arm rested around her shoulders. The other hung off the edge of the cot, his fingers nestled in the wolf's fur.
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