The Bond

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Broin allowed Gale to sleep, even after the morning had come and gone, and delved into the afternoon. She never slept this late, though he assumed that the battles had a lot to do with it. Especially their last. He couldn't imagine the drain that being possessed could take on someone. Walking through the camp, Broin spoke with a few of the villagers before Dillan approached him with some concern. "Broin... is Gale alright?" He asked, looking over toward the large white mass that lay at the edge of camp. Broin followed his gaze, studying her a little.  "I'm sure she's fine. Gale has been through a lot, let her rest," He said, turning back to what he had been working on. Dillan shook his head.  "I don't know... she hasn't so much as moved all morning and afternoon..." Broin looked up, cutting Dillan off.  "Leave her alone. Gale has a lot on her plate right now and your nagging her isn't going to help her any," He snapped, catching Dillan off guard. The young man looked stunned, his expression showing his emotions quite clearly. Realizing what he had done, Broin sighed, standing up. "Look, Dillan..." He started, though the young man shook his head.  "No... you're right..." Dillan mumbled, moving a little to walk away. "She's got a lot on her mind. I won't bother her," He shuffled off, his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze cast to the ground. Scowling at himself, Broin sat back down heavily. Running a hand back through his hair, he stared at the arrows he had been putting together. One of the villagers nearby watched him for a few minutes before he went over and sat down beside Broin.  "You know, you do have a point," The villager said, Broin's gaze flicking up to the older man. "That dragon's been through the gates of hell and back, and it's not even close to being finished for her. We still have to worry about the Crone, and then how we are going to get her back to being herself again. I couldn't help but overhear you and Dillan," Broin looked away, a shameful expression on his face. The older man clasped Broin on the shoulder. "Love does that you know... you care so damn much about someone, that you forget to check yourself," Broin's face heated up. Was it that obvious? He had grown to care very much for Gale, and sometimes it took a lot for him to remind himself that she was in too much agony right now for something like that. "Tell her," The villager said. Broin looked up sharply. "I can't... Not now," He managed, looking from him to Gale. The dragon hadn't moved from where she lay, though he could see the faint rise and fall of her body as she breathed. He looked at her hands. "Doing that now would be selfish... she's already got enough to worry about. Not just that, but I just yelled at Dillan for bothering her," The old man shook his head.  "Not telling her would be the selfish part. If something happens to you, she's going to be left feeling like you were just a friend. If I were you, I would want that woman to know that I love her. So, tell her. Before someone else does. I can see how much you care about her, Broin. I'm sure everyone here can," The man spoke, giving Broin's shoulder another pat before he moved to get up.  "How?" Broin questioned as the man stood. "How do I tell her when she is under so much pressure?" The man smiled.  "It'll come to you. You'll find the words when you least expect them," The villager responded before he moved off and rejoined his group. Broin followed him with his eyes for a moment before his gaze returned to Gale again. Getting up from where he was seated, he set aside the arrows and walked over to her sleeping form. Moving to sit on his knees in front of the dragon's muzzle, he watched her. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, her healing wounds looking less aggravated. Gingerly, he reached out to set a hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb over her fur. Gale stirred ever so slightly, though not enough to wake. She inhaled, the heat of her breath brushing over his face and arm as she exhaled a second or so later.  "I wish I knew what to say to you," Broin mumbled, his thumb tracing its bath over her fur again. Gale didn't seem to register in her sleep that Broin was talking to her, or even touching her. Not right away anyway. He drew his hand back from her cheek and ran his palm over the bridge of her nose, smoothing it back between her eyes. After this touch, Gale's eyes fluttered open, the purple-blue of them seeming a little hazy in her barely awakened state. Broin drew his hand back from her, tilting his head a little and a slightly worried expression forming on his face. She watched him for a moment, though her eyes slid shut again afterward. He felt a little relief flood through him when Gale went back to sleep. As late as it was becoming, he didn't want to wake her before she was ready. Broin stayed with her for a time before she did finally begin to wake up, her head lifting off her paws and a yawn breaking from her muzzle, a low rumble behind the yawn.  Gale's gaze flicked to Broin, her groggy expression making him smile some. "How long have you been sitting there?" She questioned, all recollection of the touch that he had placed on her cheek lost to her.  "A little while. I didn't want you to sit here by yourself," Broin hummed, watching Gale as she rose to her feet to stretch. He was shadowed by her wings as she expanded them, his gaze taking in the way the trembled some with the exertion of the stretch. Smiling, he gave a light sigh. He felt his face turn red though when she turned to him, his gaze catching her own. Broin looked away quickly, as though looking for someone else. Gale flicked an ear back, lowering her wings. Playfully, she brushed her feathers over the top of Broin's head, mussing up his hair. With a chuckle, he reached up and pushed her wing away. Gale seated herself after this, a small smile on her muzzle. "Gale?" he spoke after a moment or two, the dragon's purple-blue eyes resting on him once more.  "Yes?" She questioned, an inquisitive look crossing her face. Gale watched Broin, a patient expression of care on her face and in her eyes. Broin cleared his throat, standing up and moving so he stood in front of the dragon again.  "I need to tell you something," Broin spoke softly, Gale's ears perking forward so she could hear him. Noticing this, one of the men nudged the older man with his elbow and nodded toward Broin and Gale. Turning, the man smiled as he watched. "From the day I met you, I thought you were a very bright young woman and dragon. You've been a great friend..." He started, looking up to Gale. The dragon's eyes were watching him with an intensity that would have made him uncomfortable if she were anyone else. All it did was made his face turn another shade of red. He lifted his hands to rest them under her chin, his fingers buried into the soft fur that covered it. Gale closed her eyes and rested her chin against his touch. "Gale, I... I like you. And I wanted you to know... it's more than just at a friendly level. When... when we get you out of here... I want to be the one to take care of you," he said, his words shaking a little.  After Broin's words, Gale opened her eyes and watched him for a moment before she drew her muzzle from his hands and pressed it against his chest before she rested her head against the side of his own. "You've always been a great friend to me as well... before you came along I thought I was going to die out here in the forest alone... I didn't think I would have anyone to help me," She whispered, nuzzling softly against his head with her own. "I would very much like to be cared for by you and to give you the care you deserve in return,"  Gale's words made Broin's heart flutter so hard that he wouldn't be surprised if she could hear it. He gently wrapped his arms around her head, turning his head to softly kiss the ridge over her eye. "I promise, you will never have to be afraid again..." he whispered softly to her, bringing one hand up to smooth over the fur below her eye. "Ever,"
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