At Ease

1365 Words
The night went on without issue, the sounds of the forest holding only the sound of crickets and the insects in the trees. Long after everyone had fallen asleep, Gale remained awake, her ears and eyes alert for anyone or anything that might come into the camp. She was worried about the wolf creatures. She didn't want them to creep in while everyone was asleep. If they had managed to get the jump on Wysteria, they were something to worry about. They might be able to handle them once they had been spotted, but it was the way they seemed to move in silence like shadows that bothered the dragon. She managed to doze now and again, though, for the most part, Gale remained awake. Broin woke sometime in the middle of the night, watching Gale as he rubbed the sleep from his face. She turned to him, giving him a gentle smile. "Can't sleep?" He whispered, his voice thick from having not quite woken up yet. Gale nodded.  "I don't want anything to happen to anyone... those things are still out there," The dragon mumbled, turning her head back toward the trees. Broin frowned as he got to his feet. She redirected her gaze to him as he stood in front of her, his hands resting under her chin and his eyes meeting her own. "Gale, this isn't healthy. You need to sleep just as much, if not more, than anyone here," Broin's voice was light, though there was a scolding tone to it. The dragon's ears drooped a little and she lifted her chin from his hands.  "And what am I supposed to do if those things sneak in here? You see what they did to Wysteria..." Gale grumbled, her eyes locked on Broin this time. He shook his head, waving his hands a little toward the trees.  "They aren't dumb enough to come in here. Not with this many people here. And if they are, we can take them down. Gale, this isn't all on you. We are all here with you," Broin's words reached Gale, her ears drooping a little further.  "But..." She started, though a look from him silenced her. It was a look she had not seen from him but from her father. One that told her that what he had said was final. Gale eyed him a moment longer before she lowered her head and rested it on the ground between her paws.  "Get some sleep, please, Gale," Broin's scolding tone had gone soft again. Gale drew in a breath through her nose and exhaled the same, her eyes flicking from the smoldering remains of the fire and to her friend. She watched him briefly before she looked back to the embers once more.  "Alright..." She whispered, forcing her eyes to close. It was tough at first, her need to watch over the group of soldiers and villagers alike almost too strong to ignore. However, the longer she lay listening to the sounds of sleep and the forest around her, the more relaxed Gale became.  When Gale woke, the sun had risen and the sounds of the soldiers and villagers stirring and rising from their sleeping rolls rousing the dragon from her sleep. Her eyes drifted open, taking a moment or two to adjust to the light of the sun. Shifting some, she stretched a little, her hand like front paws reaching out in front of her some like a giant cat, her muzzle opening wide in a yawn. From above her, a soft voice spoke. "Good morning," Wysteria called down to Gale, the woman still nestled between her wings. Gale righted herself some and looked back at the young woman with a smile.  "Good morning, Wysteria. How are you feeling?"  Wysteria smiled, reaching out to rub the side of Gale's neck. "Much better, thank you. Sleeping up here off the ground made me feel safer than sleeping down there, so I was able to get a good night's rest," She chimed, sounding already as though she was feeling much, much better. Carefully, she moved as though to get down, though Gale lifted her wing.  "Then up there you will stay, until you are feeling entirely like yourself again," Gale spoke, the motherly tone to her voice again. Wysteria simply chuckled and sat back against her fur where she had been.  "Fine, fine. However, I hope you know that you are the only one who has and ever will, get away with telling me what to do," The sorceress spoke in a playful manner. Gale rolled her eyes with a playful grumble as she stood, resisting the urge to shake herself off. Instead, she gave her wings a light fluff. She felt Wysteria move to sit up on her back. Smiling some, Gale went to check on things around the camp. She watched as some of the soldiers worked with the horses, removing their saddles and brushing them down as well as giving them a light washdown. Flicking back an ear, Gale listened to the nickering of the large creatures, though she turned her head when she heard a louder neigh. Valor raced toward her, prancing about when he reached her, snorting excitedly as he stopped in front of her. He reared up, tossing his head and giving another snort.  "Hello, Valor," Gale spoke, a light laugh behind her words at the way her old friend danced about in front of her. Wysteria herself had begun to laugh at the antics of the Fresian. The horse snorted, his black fur glistening as he dropped back down on all four hooves once more. He lifted his head, bumping his snout against hers. Gale nuzzled his nose softly before the horse snorted again and moved back, his ears perking as he listened close, turning his head to the right. Gale's father was calling to him, the man settling a bridle over his shoulder. The horse shifted a little, turning around toward Gale's father and trotting toward him. Smiling, Gale watched her friend go.  "I'm glad you get to see them again. I just hope that we can get you back to going home with them," Wysteria spoke from where she was seated on Gale's back, resting an arm on the dragon's wing. Gale sighed gently, her wings and sides rising and falling with the action.  "I hope so as well. I really do miss being home," Gale whispered, watching as her father put the bit and bridle on the Fresian. Once settled, he gave the horse a pat on the neck and lead him over toward Gale. He reached up, setting a hand on her nose, the dragon closing her eyes. For a moment, she stood with him like this before she finally opened her eyes and leaned forward to rest her cheek against her father's shoulder. Situating his arm, her father wrapped it around her head in a hug. "I really have missed you, dear," He whispered to her, turning his head to kiss her cheek. "When we get you home, I want you to promise me you will be more careful," Gale tucked her head a little tighter to her father's side.  "I promise you now. I should have listened to you, to begin with," Gale lamented, her voice barely above a whisper. She felt her father shake his head, his face nestled just below her ear. He didn't speak after this, for a moment just staying with her as they were. Slowly, Gale lifted her head and looked to Valor. "Where are you off to?" She questioned. "Your friend Broin invited me on a hunt with him and his mentor... Toby I believe was the name," Gale's father responded to her inquiry with a smile. Gale flicked back an ear. Normally, she would put up a fuss about something like her father going out into the woods, but if he was going to be with Broin and Toby, she would be alright. She smiled a little, though her father noticed her hesitation. "I'll be alright, Gale," He said, kissing her cheek once more.  "In their hands, I know you will be. I'll see you when you return," 
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