
1381 Words
Broin looked up with wide eyes as Gale lunged at the giant, bat-like creature that had once been the old Crone. A nudge from Wysteria was enough to get him going again, hoisting Dillan up off the ground and wrapping an arm under the young man's shoulder. With Wysteria's help, he was able to get Dillan back out of the way, though she let go of the young man once he was safely away from the two fighting beasts. "Get him out of here, I've got to help Gale!" Wysteria spoke, turning away from the two before Broin reached out and grabbed her shoulder. "You are in no shape to be fighting that thing!" He shouted over the sounds of the fight. Wysteria shook her head, pulling herself free from Broin's grip. She turned her head toward the dragon and the Crone, a heavy frown forming on her face as Gale was knocked back to the dirt. "If I don't do this, Gale will die..." She said, turning back to Broin. "She needs my help, Broin..." A bellowing roar from the dragon as she exhaled flames at the Crone cut off her words, Broin's expression of worry growing. He looked at Dillan, the man finally seeming as though he was about able to stand on his own again.  "Fine... just... be careful please," Broin spoke, shifting a little to help Dillan move again. Wysteria nodded, turning around and starting toward the dragon and the Crone. She stopped, however, when the Crone released a loud, echoing screech, her muzzle open wide. Covering her ears, Wysteria winced. From what she could see as she turned away from the sound a little, Gale had lowered herself to the ground, her ears back and a pained expression crossing her face. The Crone took this moment to lash out, grabbing the back of Gale's neck in her teeth. The mane that ran down the back of the dragon's neck, combined with the heavy fur that surrounded her neck beneath it, was what saved her at this point. While the Crone struggled to get a better grip, her teeth prickling at Gale's skin beneath the fur, Gale forced herself up under the Crone. Shoving her backward into a tree, she soon took both the Crone and the tree to the dirt. Wysteria watched with wide eyes for a moment before she forced her shock off. Lifting her staff, she watched Gale until she was out of the way. As the Crone tried to get up to go after the dragon, she sent a bolt of lightning coursing through the staff and into the Crone's side.  The large beast hissed in surprise, turning on the sorceress with her jagged teeth bared, her eyes burning with rage. Her ears going back, she started toward Wysteria. Before she could reach her, Gale grabbed one of her wings, shaking her head hard once she had a grip. The Crone squealed, turning on Gale again. Bringing up a claw, she raked it over Gale's face and muzzle. Gale let go, roaring angrily at the searing pain that was left in the path of the Crone's claws. Wysteria rushed over to Gale's side, getting as close as she could before she sent another bolt at the Crone. "Gale!" Wysteria shouted, moving to the dragon's side. Gale turned her head, her eyes meeting Wysteria. "Fly!" She shouted again, grabbing Gale's fur in one hand and pulling herself up onto her back. Gale looked at the Crone as she started toward them again. Taking to the sky as she had been told to do, Gale could hear the Crone give chase. "If we are up here, she can't hurt anyone on the ground. She will tire out quicker as well. Remember, she isn't used to her current form. It's been trapped away for a long time, you use yours every day," Wysteria spoke to Gale, looking back over her shoulder as the Crone gained on them. "Dive!"  Gale dipped down toward the dirt, Wysteria's grip growing on her back as she did so. The screech from behind them made Gale's fur raise, the closeness of the sound making Gale realize that she was just a little faster than they had counted on. She waited until nearly the last second before she rose back up into the sky, hoping the sharpness of the turn would catch the Crone off guard. However, the Crone had calculated this. She felt the claws of the Crone grab her shoulder, fear rushing through her as Wysteria was knocked off her back. Using her back feet, she grabbed the sorceress so she didn't hit the dirt directly. She let her go as the Crone forced her back to the ground, hoping that she was able to get out of the way in time. Landing on her back, the Crone tried to grab for her throat. Having a shorter neck than Gale, she wasn't quite able to reach it. Gale kicked her back feet up into the Crone's stomach, throwing her over her own head and into the dirt. Stunned, the Crone stood up and stumbled some, shaking her head as she tried to right herself. Gale scrambled to her feet, looking over toward Wysteria, a rumble in her throat as she tried to locate the young woman. She spotted her near a tree, watching as she stood up with one hand against the bark, the other gripping the staff tightly. Gale turned back to the Crone, who was trying her best to shake herself off.  She had hit a large boulder when she was thrown, the resulting impact leaving her reeling. Gale rushed forward, sinking her teeth into the Crone's shoulder and tried to force her to the dirt. The Crone screeched as she had done in the air, the sound making Gale let her go. She couldn't stay close with the sound being as high-pitched as it was. It left Gale's ears ringing, the sounds beyond this muffled and sounding far away. She shook her head, backing up away from the beast. Not seeing the attack that was headed her way, Gale was left vulnerable. However, the attack didn't make contact. There was a blinding light from behind Gale, followed by a cry of rage. Turning a little as the light vanished, it took Gale a moment to see Wysteria standing there, the staff held in both hands. Her eyes were glowing and she was breathing heavily, static filling the air around her. "If you want the staff, come and get it!" She shouted at the Crone. The beast snarled at Wysteria, pushing past Gale before she could stop her. As she reached Wysteria, there was another explosion of blinding light, though this time it was followed with bolts of electricity that bounced off of several surfaces nearby before they directed themselves into the Crone's dark body. Taking this chance, while the Crone was stunned by the shock of electricity, Gale grabbed the Crone about her neck with her large claws, forcing her to the earth. The Crone kicked beneath her, trying to force Gale to let her go, her claws meeting Gale's belly fur, though they slid off without causing damage to the dragon's underbelly. Gale shifted her body, moving away from the claws that tried to rake her belly, though she did feel her claws slide across her side as she stepped away. The resulting pain was not enough to make Gale release her, however. She had grown too determined. "Tell me how to return Gale to her family and maybe we will let you live!" Wysteria shouted, a choked laugh leaving the muzzle of the beast.  "You had your chance to return her to a normal life... your refusal has doomed her," The Crone cackled, her teeth pulled back in a jagged toothed expression. Gale snarled, tightening her grip on the Crone's neck. This choked off the cackling laughter that left the beast's throat, causing her to kick out at Gale again. Wysteria lifted a hand and settled it on Gale's foreleg, the dragon flicking back an ear. She loosened her grip some, giving the Crone one more chance to help them.  "And your refusal is going to cause your death... think your next words over carefully..." 
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