Tested Will

1200 Words
Gale continued to try to keep her focus on anything but the chanting, which had continued well into the later hours of the morning. However, it didn't seem to matter how hard she concentrated her thoughts, the chanting was always there and Gale couldn't seem to shake them. Broin noticed she seemed to be bothered by something as they were packing up the belongings and getting everyone set to continue the travel to the villages. For a few minutes, he didn't ask, not wanting to break her concentration as she helped clear the area that the fire had been burning in the previous evening, though once she was completed, he approached her. "Gale..." Broin called her as she turned to start on something else. "Are you feeling alright? You look bothered," Gale didn't answer him right away, focusing her attention on the task at hand. When Broin repeated her name, she looked at him. It was here that he could see the tension on her face and the distracted look in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Gale shook her head. "I have to stay focused," she mumbled, moving past him. Broin reached out, setting a hand on her tail as she moved, making her stop. The dragon's ears went back before she turned to look at him over her shoulder, her eyes taking on an intense shine. "Let go of my tail and let me get back to work," She all but growled at him. Broin moved his hand, not wanting to press her further. If simply asking was enough to anger her, he wasn't going to pressure her further and find out what would happen. He would allow her time to cool off before he tried to figure out what was wrong with her. However, that chance didn't arise. Before long, they were heading off in the direction of the village again, and Gale had taken to the sky. Whatever it was that was on her mind, for now, was to remain a mystery to the young man. Broin himself had forgotten about it after some time, he had been caught up in a conversation with Wysteria and Dillan.  "So, you are feeling better then?" Broin questioned Dillan, the young man riding on horseback in front of Wysteria, who clung protectively to his waist. Dillan nodded lightly, the obvious expression of someone with a headache crossing his face. Broin made a mental note to make the tea for him that he had made for Gale sometime back when she wasn't feeling very well.  "Somewhat. My head and chest still hurt and I'm a little tired, but aside from that... I suppose," Dillan responded. He looked up, hearing Gale fly overhead. "What about Gale? From what I heard, the Crone is dead and she was human for a while,"  Broin tensed up a little at this, remembering what had been going on previously. "I'm... not sure. She's distracted by something but won't tell me what. She was fine last night when we went to sleep but today... she just seems off," Wysteria looked up to the sky as well. She watched the dragon as she flew overhead, her figure smaller than normal with the height she had taken up. "Maybe she's just trying to focus on her transformations. It's not an easy task, Broin," Even as Wysteria spoke these words, she could tell that Broin was doubtful. There was something about the look on his face that unsettled her some as well. It was an expression that read that he would try to get to the bottom of it in any way that he could. "I would let her work it out on her own. I know you care about her, but sometimes the best thing we can do is wait..." Wysteria tried to reason with Broin, not wanting to see either one of them injured if something went wrong and Gale didn't like what she heard. "We don't know exactly what it is that has Gale worked up, and if it's not her transformations, then it might be something deeper. And if that is the case, it would be better for your health and safety not to press her," Above them, Gale's ears were pinned back hard against her skull and her eyes were narrowed. She could still hear the chanting as though it were just behind her. Looking over her shoulder again, she eyed the trees of the mountain. It was beginning to wear at her patience. She had to fight the urge even harder when she looked at the mountains as opposed to when she wasn't. Looking away again, she dipped down toward the ground, landing heavily a little ways away from the company as they rode on. From there, Wysteria could see what Broin meant. The way Gale carried herself, the annoyed position of her ears, and the tight way she flicked her wings in against her side were enough to warn everyone to stay away. Everyone but Broin. The young man turned his horse and started toward Gale, though Dillan turned his own and blocked Broin's path. Broin stared at him and Wysteria for a moment before he tried to go around them, though Dillan moved with him. "Dammit, get out of my way!" Broin snapped, though Dillan remained firm. "What did we just talk about?" He asked, his eyes hard as he watched Broin from the back of his own horse. Broin's eyes narrowed some before he looked away from him and back toward Gale. She hadn't even looked their way, her usually observant nature completely shifted. She stared off ahead of her, her ears still in their pinned back position and her expression troubled. Seeing this, Broin sighed. Without another word, he pulled the reins of his horse and fell back into line with the rest of the company. There was silence, and even from those on the outside of the discussion, there was a heaviness that could be felt in the air around the trio. A couple of the soldiers had been watching Gale, their expressions showing that the way the dragon seemed to be in a bothered state had them set on edge.  Gale herself was getting annoyed with the way the soldiers watched her as if they expected her to come unhinged. She turned her head to look at them, narrowing her eyes again as a small tendril of smoke rose from her nose. This was enough to warn them to mind their own business. The chanting was still as loud as it had been before, and the more she listened to it, the more Gale wanted to turn back and see what it was. However, the more rational part of her was able to keep her in check and going forward rather than turning around and possibly getting herself into trouble again. She would have to talk to Wysteria to see if she could help her in any way. Gale decided that that would wait until later when they set up camp for the night, not wanting to have to listen to not just Wysteria, but Broin as well. Looking up to the sky, Gale gave an exasperated sigh. 
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