Seeking Refuge

1268 Words
Gale stayed awake for most of the evening, listening to the people below her under the outcrop. Before long, she felt the tingling sensation of her fur rising a little as a thunderstorm brewed overhead. She couldn't help but flinch ever so slightly, lightning in the distance sending an electric buzz through the air. Lifting her head from her paws, Gale watched the flicker of another bolt, followed by a rumble of thunder. She watched the darkening clouds for a moment before she heard someone calling to her below. Looking down over the outcrop edge, she saw her father.  "Come on down here, it's going to rain," He called to her, waving a hand to motion for her to come down. Gale shook her head.  "I'll be alright. If it gets too bad, I'll come down. I don't want to risk one of the beasts coming out of the woods and catching us off guard," Gale responded, though her father gave her a look he used to give her as a child. Even in her dragon form, Gale couldn't help the tingling in her spine when he did. Her ears slowly went back against her head, showing that he was getting to her, even in this form.  "That's what the soldiers are surrounding the camp for. Get down here before your feathers get soaked," The tone in Harland's voice made Gale's fur bristle some. It was one that he usually used when he was final about his choices. Her mother always hated that tone. She stared at him for a moment longer before she gave the woods one final glance, making her way down from the overhang and under with the rest of the company. As she reached the shaded place below, the rain seemed to open up from above. "See? You would have gotten drenched. What good are wings if they are waterlogged?" Harland lightly scolded the dragon, making her roll her eyes. "They would have dried," Gale mumbled, going over to lay down near the soldiers, wanting to still keep her word and keep watch. Some of the soldiers scooted aside for her, making room for the dragon's larger form. Broin couldn't help but feel a little bit of amusement at the exchange, the way the dragon reacted to the scolding of her father revealing a little more of the dynamic between the two. One of the soldiers approached Gale, watching her curiously before he tentatively reached out and placed a hand against her fur. Ears perking, Gale turned her head to look at the man. He was older, looking to be about Toby's age, but his eyes were lit up like those of a child at the softness of Gale's fur.  "No wonder that young sorceress friend of yours likes to sleep up there on your back. This fur of yours is softer than any down bed out there," The old man spoke, the glee in his voice making Gale smile.  "You really think so?" She asked, a soft laugh behind her words. The older man nodded, chuckling a bit himself as he lifted his gaze from her fur to meet her eyes.  "I know so. Someone should make a brush large enough to brush you out and use your undercoat as bedding," He laughed, his fingers tucking a little further under the fur of the side of her neck just below her collar as he nodded. "Especially right here. This fur seems to be the softest," He hummed. Gale smiled softly, giving a light rumble. Partially in appreciation of the praises that the old man had to offer, though it was also in part because of the way he rubbed the side of her neck. It was much like the way a dog reacted to having an itch scratched that it couldn't quite reach.  "I appreciate your kind words, sir," Gale purred, giving a soft sigh when he moved his hand away. One of the man's fellows stood nearby watching them, chuckling a little. "Are we going to wake up to find you lost in that dragon's back, Gregory?" The younger man asked. Gregory snorted in a lighthearted manner as he waved his hand at the young man.  "So what if you did? Would you deprive an old man of a good night's rest?"  The young man laughed heartily at this. "No, no, I suppose not," He chuckled, shaking his head before he returned to watching the path and the forest beyond it, a smile remaining on his lips. Gale was glad to see that the company was in good spirits, having worried that the news of the Grey Water Beasts would have dampened their moods. However, neither this nor the rain seemed to have done it. Resting her head between her paws, she listened to the banter between soldiers for some time before she stood to go check on the rest of her friends. They were chatting among themselves as well but in hushed tones about more private matters. Gale's approach didn't stop them, however, she did note the way Dillan was looking at Wysteria. She knew that look quite well, as she herself looked at Broin that same way. Wysteria seemed to have noticed because her face had turned pink and her words had drifted off. Broin sat near the fire, leaning back against his rolled-up sleeping pack, looking over his bow.  Gale stopped beside him, leaning forward to snuff at his hair, making the young man look up with a chuckle. "Hey," He said softly, watching Gale as she moved to rest beside him.  "Hello. I wanted to come to see how you were doing before I resign to staying with the soldiers for the evening," Gale hummed, tucking her tail around her side where she lay. Smiling, Broin set his bow aside and shifted to lean on Gale's forelimb instead of his sleeping pack.  "I'm doing alright. Dillan over there looks like a love-sick puppy and Wysteria seems to be catching on. To be honest, I think she started with it with all that fussing over him she did when he was hurt," Broin spoke up after a moment, looking over toward their friends. Wysteria was shyly playing with some of the lacy fabric of her dress, her face still visibly red. Dillan was saying something that Gale couldn't quite make out over the crackle of the fire and was leaned forward slightly, his elbows rested on his knees. She could see the smile on his face, chuckling softly. The sound left Gale as something resembling a purr. "See what I mean?" Broin laughed a little, drawing in a breath and giving a sigh before he looked over to the soldiers where they had based themselves on the outside of the camp. Gale followed his gaze before she too gave a light sigh. "I should head over now before it gets too dark. Hopefully, this weather eases up some before morning so we can get moving again," Gale sighed again. Broin was hesitant in moving from where he had rested before he finally did so. Gale gave him one more bump on the head with her snout before she rose, turning from the young man and making her way back to the line of soldiers, settling back into the space they had made for her. It wasn't long after she was there that she joined in their banter, snorting lightly at them occasionally when the silly notion of something or other rose. For now, none of the Grey Water Beasts had been sighted, and Gale hoped it stayed that way.
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