Chapter 10

5731 Words

MY MIND WHIRLED as the puzzle pieces snapped together. The Agency had raided Lewis Tate’s house because they believed he might have the ke’tain. Lewis Tate knew a DW, who used expensive stationary and threw lavish parties. Davian Woods collected Fae objects and had the money to buy almost anything. Lewis Tate trafficked in the very things Davian would want. Tennin snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Jesse?” I blinked and realized I’d been staring blankly at him. “Did you go to Davian’s New Year’s Eve party?” “I missed that one because I was in Faerie.” He gave me an inquisitive look. “What is brewing inside that head of yours?” “Last night, the Agency raided the home of a black market dealer looking for the ke’tain. When I was in the dealer’s office, I saw –” “Why were you at a

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