
Sugar Blood: The Morningstar Series Book 1

first love

**First book in the Morningstar series**

Aureaila is the strongest among all the supernatural world. Her mother is one of the only tribrids to roam the earth. Her father, a son of the devil.

Ryce is the son of the Lycan king. A very powerful hybrid, next in line to take over the worlds largest pack.

All Aureaila ever wanted was what her parents have. She'd dreamed about meeting her mate her entire life. Until Kramer, a demon who's power rivals the devils, demands her hand in marriage. Kramer believes the Morningstar family is too powerful with a tribrid and Aureailas powers. The only thing that can save her from him is finding his mate. She has until he 21st birthday. Will she find her mate? Will Kramer be let her go?

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Prologue: Aureaila's P.O.V.
"It's in the middle of the night. What are you doing Aureaila?" My little sister asked me from the doorway of my bedroom. Atiana rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and came closer. She looked right at me with her big black eyes. We are only one year apart. Right now I'm four years old, and Atiana is three. We look a lot alike too. Both light blonde hair only Tia's is wavy, and mine is curly. I have light green eyes like our mom, and Atiana has black eyes. I giggled. "Can you keep a secret Tia?" "What are you up to Aureaila?" I rolled my eyes at my little sister. What a funsucker. She always knows when I'm up to trouble though. That's probably why she's up right now. For someone who feels practically nothing, she is very intuitive. I grabbed Tia by the shoulders. My face broke out in a huge smile. "I found my mate!!!" I squealed. "What do you mean you found your mate? We aren't old enough to recognize our mates yet. Just because you have your wolf already doesn't mean anything." Atiana said flatly. I rolled my eyes at her, and crossed my arms over my chest. "I did a spell a few weeks ago. We might not recognize each other as mates yet, but I know he's mine." I uncrossed my arms, and grabbed my little sisters hands. I whispered, "I've went to see him almost every night". Atianas eyes went wide. "Every night?" She asked. I nodded enthusiastically. "How have Mom and Dad not noticed yet? How has Grandpa not noticed yet? Who is he?" Atiana asked. "Well, he might just happen to be the Lycan King's son." Tia was silent for a minute. "Does he know who you are to him?" "No. But he's so nice. You should of seen his face when I shifted in front of him." Tia's eyes went wide. "You showed him your wolf?" "Yup. And I'll tell you all about it. Later when I'm back." I smiled at my little sister. "Let's get you back to bed. I grabbed Atiana's hand, and lead her to her room. Tia's bedroom is next to mine so it isn't a far walk. Her room looks a lot like mine. Only where mine is mostly pink, Tia's is mostly purple. Lilac colored walls with lavender colored curtains. Atiana's queen bed sits in the middle of the room. It has a canopy like mine, but again purple. A huge bathroom connects our bedrooms too. After getting Atiana back in her bed, I kissed her forehead, and teleported to my mate. Teleporting is something I got from my dad. So far, I'm the only one out of my siblings that can do it. I know the rest will be able to as well though. Everyone's always saying I know too much for my age. I just feel things I don't think the adults can. In an instant, I'm in the woods. I know exactly where I am. I took off my night dress, and undies, and stashed them behind a tree. Then I shifted. My wolf is a beautiful pure white, with one black patch on my chest. Wolves eyes are usually black, and stay black when they shift, but Ayla kept my light greens everytime. I shook out my fur, and took off running. My wolf Ayla loves running. The wind through her fur, and the dirt under her paws is heaven. Take us to him Ayla. I said excitedly. Ayla moved faster than ever before. Trees wizzed by us in a blur. After about 20 minutes we slowled down. We are at the edge of the forest. Ayla looked around, stuck her nose in the air, and sniffed. Many of the adults are gone. Ayla said. Gone? Is he still here? Yes Relly. I can smell him. But... But what? He isn't at his house like usual. Ayla took off running to the left of us. I trust Ayla completely. Afterall, it is unheard of to get your wolf as early as I had. The earliest recorded shift in history is the current Lycan King. He shifted when he was 12. I was three. Usually, you would start to hear your wolf in your head around puberty. Then you, and your wolf would have time to get to know each other before your first shift. Most normal wolves would shift between ages 16-18. Then again the Lycan King, and I are different from others. I first heard Ayla in my head on my third birthday. I knew immediately who she was. Mom and Dad didn't believe me though. Until two weeks later when I shifted for the very first time. Ayla told me it would hurt but would be worth it in the end. Boy was she right. At least Mom and Dad believed me after that. Even if they were scared. Ayla slowed down, and sniffed the ground. Grandpa wasn't scared though. He was proud. She said. Yeah, you're right. Nothing scares Grandpa. Ayla walked a few more minutes before his scent hit us like a train. Hmm honey, and the forest after it rains. Do you think he tastes as good as he smells Ayla? I asked my wolf. I don't know. Wolves don't drink their mates blood. That's the vampire in you. Ayla giggled making me giggle. Two minutes later, and I finally see him. He's sitting on a huge stump with his legs crossed, and his eyes closed. Ayla and I moved until we are right in front of him. His eyes are still closed like he's lost in deep thought. I wonder what he's doing sitting there like that. Then suddenly his eyes snapped open nearly knocking the breathe out of me. My mate is so cute. His dark green eyes bore into my light green ones. He smiled at me. "I knew you would come." He whispered. We stared at each other for a few more minutes. He seemed to be inspecting me more than normal. I know that he has no idea what we are to each other. He stood, and closed the short distance between us. I looked at him as he bent down to start petting me. A sort of purr left my lips as I leaned into his touch. "Your fur is so soft. I hope my fur is soft like yours." He stared into my eyes a little more before he reached for his T-shirt he brought with him. "Almost forgot." He blushed, and held it out for me. I just looked at the shirt then looked at him. His blush deepened as he set the shirt on the stump, and turned around to give me some privacy. Our mate is such a gentleman already Rell. I know. Isn't he dreamy? We quickly shifted, and I threw the shirt over my head. Oh Goddess, it smells so good. Just like him. This is the real reason I shifted, and then went to him. Ever since the first time we met, he always gave me a shirt to wear. How could I pass up smelling him like this? "Hi Ryce." My voice is quiet, but excited. He turned around, and looked me straight in the eyes. A huge grin spreading across his face. "Hello little mystery wolf." I giggled. Ryce always calls me what because I refused to tell him my name. When we are old enough I'll tell him who I really am. He gave up asking after the 37th time. "What are you doing in the woods alone?" I asked. Ryce rolled his eyes. "I can protect myself. I'm almost 11 ya know." He smirked at me. Giggling I said, "I never doubted you." He sighed. "Well, most of the adults are gone right now. They had something huge to do. Something they are keeping me in the dark about." Ryce seems to be lost in thought for a few minutes. "At least I got to see you tonight though. My one and only friend." He smiled brightly at me. My heart soared at his words. "I can't be your only friend." I said. I jumped up to sit on the stump. My feet dangling. Ryce came to sit next to me. His feet firmly on the ground though. We are arm to arm. I leaned my head on his shoulder, enjoying being with him. "It's true though. You have no idea how hard it is to be the Lycan King's son. People only like me because the power my family has." He said. I looked up at Ryce. He's staring in the dark forest, lost in thought. I reached my hand up to his cheek, and turned his face to me. "You'll make more friends in time. Not everyone cares just about power." "You're pretty smart for someone so young ya know." He said. I just giggled. We talked for about ten more minutes before I sensed someone coming. I sighed. "I have to go." I jumped down off the stump. Ryce stood in a rush. "What? Why? You just got here." He grabbed my hand, and pulled me to turn around. Just as I was about to say something we heard someone yell for him. "At least tell me your name this time. Please?" The person looking for Ryce is getting closer, but Ryce isn't budging. Geez, I wanna tell him my name bad, but... Tell him. Ayla said. I looked up into his dark green eyes. "Aureaila." I breathed. Ryce looked shocked that I actually told him. I heard a twig snap yanking me out of the hold my mate has on me. I kissed Ryce on the cheek, turned to shift, and took off back to my clothes. The last thing I heard was Ryce whisper "Goodnight Aureaila." ********************************************* When I got back to my clothes, my heart dropped. Ut Oh.. Ayla said. Grandpa is here waiting, my clothes in his hand. He looked at me, and I can see how angry he is. Ayla tucked our tail, and whimpered. Grandpas face softened a little as he bent down on his knees to me. "Shift back troublemaker. You shouldn't be here." Grandpa said. He set my clothes down, and waited. I shifted back, and put my night dress and undies back on. "I'm sorry Grandpa." I said confidently. My head is held high. I'm not sorry at all, and he knows it. Grandpa chuckled. "Don't lie to your grandfather." I remained silent. Did he tell Mom and Dad? "Your parents think you're still at home in bed. Imagine how surprised I was to catch your scent here." "You weren't looking for me Grandpa?" I asked. What is he doing here if it isn't for me? Grandpa smiled down at me, but his eyes held it all. He's hiding something from me. Grandpa opened his mouth to say something. Something that I knew would be a lie. I crossed my arms over my chest, and raised one eyebrow. Grandpa shut his mouth, and then laughed hard at me. "Seems I can't lie to you my little trouble maker. This pack is at war with human hunters. I wanted to make sure everything went accordingly. Would you like to check on the front lines with me?" He asked. I nodded. "We have to remain unseen. Can you do that?" I nodded again. Grandpa teleported us behind a tree line. The scene in front of me is definitely a war. There are tons of people yelling, and crying. A huge warehouse in the middle of the woods is partly on fire. It's smoking, and some parts were crumbling. There are at least 200 warriors wolves. I see Ryce's father here too. And at least 50 kids. All different ages. They must of rescued them. This isn't the first time I had went on a mission like this with Grandpa. We never told Mom and Dad, but I love doing it. My family did nothing, but go on missions. I don't understand a whole lot of it yet, but know this is what I want to do too, when I'm older. To help people. Others of our kind. Yelling brought my attention back to the scene in front of me. Ryce's dad, Ryker yelled something about how there were still a couple more kids in the building, and rushed in. Some of his men tried to stop him, but as soon as he went in, a huge explosion sounded. I can see that the door is blocked. The Lycan King won't make it out. I didn't even know what I did until I was in the building. Large flames fanned all around me. They need help, I have to help them. I called out to anyone listening. Fire doesn't scare me. Not only am I part Witch, but I'm unkillable. I search through the fire for a few minutes before hearing the cries of two small kids about my age. It took me less than 30 seconds to see the Lycan Kings body laying there. I ran to them. The kids are terrified, and the king is unconscious, but alive. "He got hit on the head with pieces or the building falling." One of the kids told me. I smiled at her. "I'm going to get you guys out of here. But I need all of you to touch me okay?" They both nodded, and stood up. Each put a hand on my shoulder. I concentrated hard. I imagined the area Grandpa, and I were just standing. When I opened my eyes we are outside. Grandpa isn't there anymore though. "The rest of the adults are over there." I pointed in the direction. They all looked over, and then I was yanked back. Grandpa has me, and he is furious. "What the hell were you thinking Aureaila?" Grandpa yelled. Oh man. He only uses my full name when he's really mad. "Tell me why you saved them Aureaila." I looked everywhere, but at Grandpa. Noticing that we are now in a different area. I can still smell the smoke, so I know we aren't super far from the war. "Aureaila... I will not ask again." Grandpa said. "I couldn't let my mates dad die.. Or those kids." I said quietly. Silence followed. I looked up at Grandpa, but he has a funny look on his face. He bent down on his knee to look me in the eyes. "You met your mate?" Grandpa's voice was soft. I know what people say about my grandfather, but he is so sweet. He believes in the mate bond more than me. People say that he is an evil man. He is the devil, but Grandpa is my best friend. I know he'd be happy for me, but I also know it'd be trouble. No one can do what I can. I shouldn't even know my mate yet. My response is a small nod. Grandpa scooped me up in his arms. "Let's go home little trouble maker." He said. After we returned home, Grandpa took me straight to my bedroom, and tucked me in. He kissed my forehead, and wished me a good nights sleep. I drifted off quickly, thinking of my mate. ********************************************* The next morning all of the adults are acting weird. I wonder if Grandpa spilled the beans. Grandpa and I are going to have to have a serious talk. On top of that, Ayla kept pacing in my head. What is wrong Ayla? I don't know. I have a funny feeling. She said. A funny feeling? I asked. I wonder what that could be. Ayla was silent after that, but her worry is thick inside my head. A few hours later Atiana, and I are coloring, and I'm telling her all about what happened last night. Mom walked in with our little brother Ambrose on her hip. "Aureaila, can you please come with me. Your father, and I would like to talk to you." This can't be good. I said to Ayla. I followed mom to her and dads office. Stopping briefly to drop Ambrose off to my aunt, Lavina. Aunt Lavina kissed my hair, and Mom grabbed my hand. When we entered the office, Dad is sitting behind his dark desk. Grandpa is standing to the side leaning against the wall. My aunt, Lenny is here sitting on the black leather couch. "Aunt Lenny!!!" I screamed, and ran to her! "Hello my little Sweet!" She grabbed me in a tight hug, and I inhaled her scent, apple trees and campfire. Aunt Lenny is my favorite person next to Grandpa. She is my moms sister. Her hair is a light blonde, and super long like mine, and Moms. Only hers is wavy like Tia's. She has the same light green eyes as me, and mom though. Aunt Lenny is also the first one to call me Relly. "Aureaila we need to talk about last night." My dad said. Dad has raven black hair, and dark blue eyes like the sea during a storm. My favorite feature about Dad is his smile. We have the same smile with dimples to match. Mom says our smiles light up a whole room. "You told?!" I accused Grandpa. Grandpa took me from Aunt Lenny, and looked me straight in my eyes. "I am sorry I betrayed your trust, but I had to Relly. There is more at work here than even you know." I scrunched up my face. "What does that mean?" Dad stood up, and grabbed me from Grandpa. Mom came to stand with us, and I put my hand on her cheek. I smiled at them, and they smiled back, though I it didn't touch their eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. Something flickered in Dads eyes, but I don't know what it was. Dad took a deep breath. "Aureaila there is something that your mom and I have to make you do. Something you won't like." "I'd do anything for you daddy." I smiled. Dad set me down on the top of his desk, and ran a hand through his messy raven hair. Mom grabbed my small hands in hers. "Honey... We need to perform a spell." She said. "That's it?" I asked confused. That's easy. There was a long pause before Dad said, "This spell is going to make you forget about your mate." It was like a bucket of cold water was thrown at me. Ayla is growling like crazy in my head. I looked at my parents, and both refused to meet my eyes. I looked to Grandpa next, and he looked back at me with nothing, but sadness. This can't be happening. They can't ask me this. Why? Why were they doing this? The whole room started to shake. Lights started flickering in and out. Then I started screaming. "NO NO NO NO NOOOO NO!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!! NO!!" I can hear things falling, and glass breaking. Mom and Dad are trying to speak to me, but I don't care what they have to say anymore. Aunt Lenny grabbed my face forcing me to look at her. "Aureaila Everly Morningstar enough!" She yelled, and the room went still. "None of us want to ask you to do this. There are bigger things at play here. Things you will come to understand. We aren't asking you to give up on him. We just need you to forget for right now. You are mates. You'll find each other again." "You promise?" I sniffled. "Yes. That's how mates work." Aunt Lenny let go of my face, and wiped my tears. "Okay." I whispered. Ayla is whimpering in my mind. Mom and Aunt Lenny helped me perform the spell. They apparently already had it all set up. Reluctantly, I said the words Mom told me to say over, and over again. After I was finished with the incantation I had to spill a little blood. "All done Honey." Mom said. A big yawn escaped me. "Come on Relly. I'll put you to bed." Aunt Lenny grabbed my hand, and walked me to my room. "How come I still remember him?" I asked. "It won't go into affect until you fall asleep." Aunt Lenny tucked me in, and climbed into my bed with me. "Why don't you tell me about him until you fall asleep?" Another big yawn racked my body but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "His name is Ryce. He has black hair like Daddy's and dark green eyes that glow in the moonlight. He's older than me. He is so sweet and fair and kind...." Then darkness.

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