Chapter 3

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The salon bustled with life, hairdryers whirring and clients chatting. Cristine swept strands of hair off the floor, trying to ignore the knots of anxiety that had taken root in her stomach. She had overheard the staff’s conversations earlier—something about a client named Vanessa, someone who had once been poor but now was wealthy, offering huge tips as a way to show her gratitude. Vanessa had been mentioned often by the stylists, someone they all admired. They said she had once been in debt, just like Cristine. But now, she was living in luxury, thanks to some mysterious job that had changed her life. Cristine couldn’t stop thinking about it. She needed a way out of her endless cycle of working multiple jobs, caring for her grandmother, and barely making ends meet. And now, Vanessa was here in the salon. Cristine glanced at the stylish, confident woman sitting in one of the chairs, her sleek hair being styled by Jasmine, the head stylist. Vanessa seemed so composed, so far removed from the world of debt and struggle. Cristine couldn’t help but wonder—could Vanessa’s story hold the key to her own escape? After the appointment ended, Cristine knew she had to take a chance. She had to talk to Vanessa, even if the idea of approaching her made her heart race with nerves. She quickly cleaned her station, her mind rehearsing what to say. The stakes were too high for her to miss this opportunity. As Vanessa made her way to the door, Cristine gathered her courage and followed. “Excuse me, Ms. Vanessa?” Cristine called, her voice barely above a whisper. Vanessa paused and turned around, her eyes meeting Cristine’s. “Yes?” Cristine felt her palms grow clammy as she stepped closer. “I... I overheard some of the staff talking earlier. They mentioned how generous you are, and how you... how you managed to turn your life around. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but... I’m in a really difficult situation right now. I was wondering if you had any advice for someone like me.” Vanessa’s expression didn’t change, but her dark eyes studied Cristine carefully. She remained silent for a moment, as if weighing her next words. Finally, she spoke, her voice calm but firm. “My story isn’t one I share with just anyone,” Vanessa said, her tone measured. “It’s not an easy path, and it’s certainly not for everyone.” Cristine’s heart raced, a flicker of hope rising in her chest. “I don’t care how hard it is. I just... I need to get out of this hole I’m in. I’m drowning in debt, and no matter how many jobs I work, it’s never enough. Please, if there’s something—anything—you can tell me, I’m willing to listen.” Vanessa’s eyes softened for a brief second before returning to their cool, calculated gaze. She glanced around the salon to make sure no one was within earshot, then leaned in slightly closer to Cristine. “I understand where you’re coming from,” Vanessa said quietly. “I’ve been there myself. But the solution I found—it’s not conventional, and it comes with a cost. If you really want to know, we’ll talk about it tonight. But only if you’re serious.” Cristine’s pulse quickened. This could be it—the answer she was desperately searching for. “I am serious,” Cristine replied, her voice steady. Vanessa gave her a small nod. She reached into her designer handbag and pulled out a sleek black business card, handing it to Cristine. “Call me after your shift ends. We’ll meet, and I’ll explain everything. But think carefully before you decide. It’s not an easy choice to make.” Cristine took the card, the weight of Vanessa’s words settling heavily on her. She glanced down at the card, which was embossed with nothing but a phone number and Vanessa’s name. It felt like a lifeline—a fragile, dangerous one—but a lifeline nonetheless. “Thank you,” Cristine whispered. Vanessa gave her one last nod before turning and walking out of the salon, her heels clicking softly on the polished floor. Cristine stood there for a moment, staring at the card in her hand, her heart pounding. She didn’t know what Vanessa was going to tell her, but the way she had spoken—the way she had warned Cristine—made her feel uneasy. Whatever this was, it wasn’t going to be easy. But Cristine wasn’t in a position to turn down help. Not when she was teetering on the edge of losing everything. She tucked the card into her pocket and went back to work, her mind swirling with possibilities. --- Later that evening, Cristine found herself sitting in a quiet, dimly lit cafe, her hands wrapped around a mug of lukewarm coffee. She had finished her shift at the salon and rushed here immediately after, her nerves buzzing with anticipation. Vanessa had chosen this place to meet, and Cristine couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of foreboding as she waited for her to arrive. The door to the cafe opened, and Vanessa stepped inside, her polished appearance making her stand out in the cozy, unassuming atmosphere. She spotted Cristine and made her way to the table, sliding into the seat across from her. “I’m glad you called,” Vanessa said, her tone even. “But before we go any further, I need to make one thing clear. What I’m about to tell you isn’t something I offer lightly. It’s not a job you can just walk away from once you’re in. It’s a commitment, and it comes with risks.” Cristine nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I understand.” Vanessa raised an eyebrow, as if gauging how much Cristine really understood. Then, with a sigh, she leaned forward slightly, her voice lowering to a more intimate tone. “The job I took that changed my life,” Vanessa began, “was surrogacy.” Cristine blinked, not fully comprehending at first. “Surrogacy? You mean, like... carrying someone else’s baby?” Vanessa nodded. “Yes. I became a surrogate for a wealthy couple who couldn’t have children of their own. But this wasn’t through a normal agency. It was... private. Discreet. They wanted to keep everything low-profile, and in return, they paid me a substantial amount of money. More money than I ever thought I’d see in my life.” Cristine’s stomach twisted. Surrogacy? She had never even considered something like that. It seemed so... extreme. But then again, so were her circumstances. “I know it sounds overwhelming,” Vanessa continued, her tone softening. “And believe me, it wasn’t an easy decision for me either. But when you’re desperate, when you’re at the end of your rope, you’ll do things you never thought you’d be capable of. That’s where I was when I made that choice.” Cristine was silent, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Could she really do something like that? Could she carry someone else’s child for money? It felt like a world away from where she was now, but at the same time, the idea of escaping her crushing debt, of being able to take care of her grandmother without constantly worrying about money, was too tempting to ignore. “I don’t know if I could do that,” Cristine admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Vanessa gave her a small, understanding smile. “I felt the same way. But the reality is, sometimes the choices we have to make aren’t ones we want to make. I’m not telling you this to pressure you—I’m offering it as an option. If you decide it’s not for you, that’s fine. But if you’re serious about wanting to change your life, this could be your way out.” Cristine stared down at her coffee, her mind spinning. She thought about the bills piling up at home, the loan sharks who would soon come knocking again, and her grandmother, who needed constant care. What other option did she have? How else could she ever hope to get out of this suffocating life? Finally, she looked up at Vanessa, her decision forming in the pit of her stomach. “How... how would I even start?” she asked quietly. Vanessa leaned back in her chair, a knowing look in her eyes. “I’ll introduce you to the right people. But only if you’re sure. Think it over, Cristine. This isn’t something you can take lightly.” Cristine nodded slowly, the weight of her decision pressing down on her. She knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. But she also knew that, for the first time in a long time, she had a glimmer of hope. And maybe—just maybe—this was the way out she had been searching for.
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