Episode Seven-2

2011 Words

“A pleasure Doctor,” said Otto. “I trust you and your… Monster had a comfortable journey from Geneva?” “It was quite adequate, Count Otto. Which is the best that one can ask for these days, and at my time of life,” said Frankenstein. A long black box was pulled from the train by two of Otto’s Frog Boy’s, Igor excitedly barking orders. Otto and Frankenstein walked to the waiting limousine and got in the back. The car was warm, John Coltrane playing through the speakers. “Ready to go boss?” said Igor, as he squeezed into the driver’s seat. “Or are we waiting for someone else?” “Let’s getting moving,” said Otto. “There’s a storm brewing.” * * * The roar was like that of a hundred lions. The sound of a hurricane. Of the world being ripped apart. Frankenstein’s Monster was strapped to the

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