Episode Three

1999 Words

The moon tore me apart. Ripped at my flesh. And then I was transformed into a man-wolf that was consumed by a red-hot rage. My eyes drowning in crimson. The smell and the taste of blood. The howling. I stumbled out of a drunken dream and awoke in a burnt-out house, my joints throbbing. Throat like sandpaper. Almost choking on the stink of the place. A bitter, cold February ached for the warmth of spring. Seagulls screeched, sirens screamed and motorbikes roared in the distance. A gunshot echoed through my brain. It was dawn and The City was yawning – painfully, desperately. I struggled to my feet, grasped the window ledge, and looked out at the day through bleary, bloodshot eyes. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed and the heavens were gutted. I stuffed a hand in my raincoat pocket and p

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