Episode Two-1

2016 Words

It’s happened to most people at one time or another. Maybe after a birthday party or a fight with your wife. You wake up throbbing with gloom and aching with guilt. Memories of the previous night trample all over your thoughts with dirty feet. Nausea curdles away inside you. Your mouth’s like the bottom of a birdcage and Keith Moon is playing a drum solo in your head. You peel back your eyelids and shards of sunlight slice through the blinds. Your bedroom looks as if it’s been redecorated by blind winos. You stagger to your feet and stumble into the migraine-bright bathroom to puke. You’re sweating, shaking, and pins and needles acupuncture your body. Your clothes are torn and covered in blood. And then the waves of dark memories come flooding back like a tsunami. Like I say, it happens

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