Chapter 229: Mr. Yang Left the Hospital

2170 Words

Chapter 229: Mr. Yang Left the Hospital"The past?" Jing Zhongqing took the red wine glass and shook it twice. He was a little speechless. "At least we are brothers. This past is too much." The man in gold-rimmed glasses curled his lips slightly, and there was a hint of coldness on his transparent glasses. "As you said, we are just fellow apprentices. To put it in a bad way, we are schoolmates. It's true that there is no friendship between us." He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of other dishes, looking casual. "But even if it's for the sake of knowing each other, I can remind you that your brother is not easy to deal with. At least for now, it's not easy for you to fight with him. Besides, I don't understand. With your current achievements, do you really care about the shares of

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