Chapter 215: Don't Do Something Before You Get Married

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Chapter 215: Don't Do Something Before You Get MarriedMeng Chen couldn't see it through the phone. He said in a light tone, "Ding Mao has recently come to China, and I've also hung up on him. I didn't expect that it had something to do with Mr. Jing. But as Mr. Jing, it's normal for him to offend people. Those who can send Ding Mao should be of high status and property. Besides, there are several guys in the U.S. that I can't afford to provoke. If I want to get rid of him quietly, Mr. Jing has to consider the safety of my subordinates." He was very reasonable. If something happened to Ding Mao, it was very likely that it would cause some trouble that none of them wanted to get into. After a moment of hesitation, he agreed. "Okay." Seeing that he was so straightforward, Meng Chen was a l

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