Chapter 205: The Last Fight This Time?

2198 Words

Chapter 205: The Last Fight This Time?Her voice was not low. After a while, two more people were attracted. There were 20 people in the guard room, but in the blink of an eye, only nine of them were still as a mountain. Among them, Sister Yu was one, and the other eight were also of some age and experience. They were also very suspicious of Xiang Yun's identity and did not want to be involved in big matters. Those with a little IQ all knew that with so much money, what they were going to do was definitely not a small matter of stealing a chicken or a dog. They had a criminal record and worked in the underworld, but they did not necessarily want to break the rules and do dirty work. It was one thing to spend a few months on the project, but if it was a little longer or a few years, even

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