Chapter 195: You Must Pay the Price

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Chapter 195: You Must Pay the PriceQiao Rui glanced at the man beside her. Seeing that he was expressionless, did not feel sorry for her, nor did he stand up for her, Qiao Rui felt relieved. She pulled his sleeve, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear, "If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have let her hurt herself and returned to work. If this got out, others would think that she always abused her employees." The man did not move, and his eyes were indifferent and cold. It seemed that his life and death were not important to him at all. Qiao Rui frowned and said, "You are going to say something." The man rubbed her hair and said in a low voice, "A normal person won't fall twice in the same pit." Huh? What did this mean? Qiao Rui blinked in confusion. After thinking for a while, s

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