Chapter 193: The Beauty's Plot

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Chapter 193: The Beauty's PlotWhen they entered the elevator, Qiao Rui raised her eyebrows and said casually, "I saw Chengxue looking at you just now. Why didn't you pay attention to her?" The man's expression was light. "Jealous?" Qiao Rui snorted. "I'm not jealous. It's boring." He didn't make a sound. The elevator went all the way down to the first floor. When they went out, many colleagues outside saw them and began to talk about them. "She has begun to go in and out together. I thought that Mr. Jing had dumped her, but I didn't expect her to be with him. It's incredible." "That's right. I thought there was no chance, but it has already been made public." "Would Mr. Jing's family agree?" "Who knows? But I know that Qiao Rui has made a fortune this time. It's no different from m

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