Chapter 189: A Lightning bulb!

2139 Words

Chapter 189: A Lightning bulb!Chengxue's way of doing things had always been useless to those people. Women, however, were the most taboo type of women who were more beautiful than themselves. Previously, Chengxue had always kept a low profile. Now that Xiang Yun was in trouble, she couldn't wait any longer. Wasn't that too radical? Xiang Yun had a strong background, a high status, and a high position. She was so arrogant that no one dared to make a sound. Chengxue was currently just an intern secretary. When the elevator reached the 13th floor, Qiao Rui went out and didn't take it to heart. Chengxue's ex-girlfriend, Xiang Yun's crazy fan, and those crazy bees around Jing Zhongyan, there were many of them. She cared about them, but now she figured it out. As long as Jing Zhongyan did n

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