Chapter 184: I Don't Want Him to Be Difficult

2176 Words

Chapter 184: I Don't Want Him to Be DifficultXiang Yun thought that she was keeping it a secret. She accepted the funds from hostile companies in the United States and leaked several pieces of internal information. Xiang Yun thought that she had done it perfectly. No one knew, but Li Li knew it. Mr. Jing would have to deal with Xiang Yun sooner or later, but now, she had something on him. What a thoughtful girl. Qiao Rui came over with the dishes. Jing Zhongyan had finished speaking. She took her hand and walked into the door of the apartment. When she went upstairs, the key opened the door. There were two lazy cats sleeping inside. Jing Zhongyan went upstairs to change clothes, and Qiao Rui went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. When Jing Zhongyan came down, she looked at the ti

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