Chapter 182: Meeting Meng Chen at the Airport

2083 Words

Chapter 182: Meeting Meng Chen at the AirportQiao Rui leaned against the water platform, her nose still sore. She felt wronged and unconvinced. "She threatened me." She got straight to the point. Zhao Yang was stunned. "She... How can she threaten you?" "I don't know." Qiao Rui covered her head and felt a headache. "She didn't say anything, but her tone and expression are threatening me. Zhao Yang, I really think it's so difficult. I don't know what else I can do. In fact, I'm very capable, right? You see, I've followed the project well. As long as you give me time to learn and get used to it, I can do a lot of things. I'm very smart." "You're smart, you're smart. Don't jump around. Tell me clearly, what did she threaten you with?" Qiao Rui bit her lip. After a long while, she said in

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