Chapter 6: I'll Take You Home

772 Words
Chapter 6: I'll Take You HomeRebecca Bell was quick-witted and grabbed him. However, how could a weak woman like her hold on to a man's weight? Suddenly a strong masculine scent came into her nose, with a touch of warmth and the aroma of wine that could not be ignored. After the momentary jolt, Rebecca Bell quickly came to her senses and found that her head was being held in Luis Johnson's arms. They fell together. She just sprained her ankle because of Luis Johnson's protection, but the whole back of the latter fell heavily on the ground, and even the back of his head was hit hard. "Mr. Johnson, are you okay?" Rebecca Bell got up in a panic and held Luis Johnson's head in horror. She repeatedly checked if he had been hurt just now. The sound of hitting the ground was really loud. Might he have a concussion? Luis Johnson's mind wasn't clear because of the alcohol. Now Rebecca Bell held his head and turned it over and over again, which made him have a splitting headache. He grabbed her wrist and was to push her away, but Rebecca Bell suddenly held his face and looked at his eyes carefully with a serious face. "Mr. Johnson, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you uncomfortable? Do you feel sick or want to throw up?" She heard that people who had a concussion would have those symptoms. Rebecca Bell was scared now. Luis Johnson stared at her. The distance between them was so close that their breath seemed to intertwine together. "I'm all right," said Luis Johnson. With his hoarse voice, he frowned and wanted to sit up. Rebecca Bell quickly supported him and helped him into the office slowly. Then, she took a document and fanned him with it. She said uneasily, "Don't you need to go to the hospital? You'd better go and have a look. If your head is injured, there will be a big problem." "What will the problem be?" Looking at her fussing, Luis Johnson sighed and leaned heavily on the big chair, so that he could finally have a rest. "I don't know, but it's always good to have a check-up. Why not go to see a doctor?" "Never mind." Luis Johnson no longer looked at her. He pulled the drawer out, took out a USB flash disk, stuffed it into the pocket, got up, and was ready to leave. He came back on purpose to get that USB flash disk. He had to take it because of the business trip tomorrow morning. "Mr. Johnson, are you about to leave?" asked Rebecca Bell. Luis Johnson did not look back. "Or what? Stay here overnight?" Rebecca Bell followed him into the elevator. When Luis Johnson pressed the button of the first-floor underground, Rebecca Bell suffered from a bout of nerves. After a while, the elevator reached the first floor. Seeing that Rebecca Bell had no intention of going out, Luis Johnson raised his eyebrows and asked, "Don't you go out?" Rebecca Bell shook her head without saying anything. The elevator door was closed again. Luis Johnson asked casually, "What's wrong? A friend drove to pick you up? It won't be the one at noon, will it?" Did the incident at noon become a scandal? Rebecca Bell blushed and gritted her teeth. "No." Seeing that she didn't want to say anything more, Luis Johnson didn't ask again. As soon as they arrived on the first-floor underground, they went out the one behind the other. Rebecca Bell followed Luis Johnson and saw that he was indeed walking toward the black Jaguar. Her eyes suddenly widened. Drink driving! Mr. Johnson indeed drove after drinking! Luis Johnson got in the car. Before the door of the driver's seat was closed, the door of the passenger seat suddenly opened. A petite figure quickly rushed in and sat down. Rebecca Bell looked at Luis Johnson seriously. He was stunned. He leaned on the back of the chair and looked at her. "What do you mean? Want me to give you a ride?" Rebecca Bell pursed her lips and shook her head. Her eyes were very serious. "It's not that you will drive me home, but it’s me who will give you a ride. Mr. Johnson, don't look down on me. I got my driver's license last year. I'm good at it and I passed the exam in one attempt. Trust me, I'll take you home safely." "Really?" Luis Johnson's expression was complex. "You mean that you will drive me home?" "Yes!" Rebecca Bell answered firmly.
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