Chapter 174: I'm Very Satisfied with This Girl. What about You?

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Chapter 174: I'm Very Satisfied with This Girl. What about You?Xue Ying was a little worried. "Elder Yun is sending me away. What does he want to do?" But no matter how unwilling she was, Xue Ying couldn't refuse. Elder Yun had a high seniority and was a senior in the circle. He had a good relationship with the deceased old man. In the past, when the old man was not good, Jing Xiaotian was almost brought up by Elder Yun. It didn't matter whether he was a teacher or half a father. In short, her status was not something that she could reject as a daughter-in-law. Xue Ying walked past Qiao Rui and gave her a deep look before walking out. As soon as the door was closed, Elder Yun waved his hand and said to Qiao Rui, "Come and sit down, girl." Qiao Rui was stunned and a little flustered. B

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