Chapter 165: Their zoo

2098 Words

Chapter 165: Their zooSeeing this, the little girl with a small braid also came over and blew bubbles at Qiao Rui. Qiao Rui, who was also attacked, also ran up and turned to ask the girl, "Why are you bullying me? We are all girls. We should bully boys together!" This was what Qiao Rui used to use when she was a child to cheat other female classmates to deal with those tall and strong boys with her. But at this moment, it seemed to be useless. The little girl said righteously, "You are not allowed to bully the handsome big brother!" Qiao Rui was speechless. "Are all the children nowadays looking at their faces like this?" Qiao Rui didn't want to show weakness and blew bubbles at the little girl. Through the reflection of the sun, those bubbles were crystal clear and looked dreamy. Th

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