Chapter 163: A shaken Woman

2076 Words

Chapter 163: A shaken WomanSeeing that she didn't pursue the matter, Chen Xin's eyes lit up. He immediately got up and walked towards Xia Hao. Xia Hao saw Chen Xin coming with a red face. He didn't know what Qiao Rui had said to him. But when he heard Chen Xinfu politely ask him if there were any documents or documents in the morning, his tone was very kind. Xia Hao was flattered and quickly printed the document. Because he needed the signature of the other party's company, he called the person in charge of the steel structure company by virtue of his connections. The person on the other side quickly printed the fax and re- represented it. This matter was solved. When Chen Xin went to guard the factory, Xia Hao came over happily, pushed Qiao Rui's shoulder, and praised her. "Thank you.

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