Chapter 149: chewing gum Storm

2145 Words

Chapter 149: chewing gum StormShe looked at the caller ID and couldn't help but smile. "Hello." "Where is it?" On the other end of the phone, a man in a low voice came. The company often went to the construction site, and Jing Zhongyan was not very sure if Qiao Rui was in the company. "The 13th floor, what about you?" "The parking lot." The smile on Qiao Rui's face widened. "Wait for me?" The man's voice was soft. "What do you think?" "I'll be right there." After hanging up the phone, she packed up her things and rushed into the elevator. When she reached the first floor, she went out and saw that the lights were on. She walked over and pulled out the passenger seat. "Why do you want to pick me up from work?" Usually, the two of them went home separately. Jing Zhongyan's work som

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