Chapter 143: I'm Here to Sweeping the Tomb. You Think Too Much

2181 Words

Chapter 143: I'm Here to Sweeping the Tomb. You Think Too MuchQiao Rui quickly tried to please her. "Mom, what's the matter? My phone is out of battery. I forgot to fill it." She gave a reason, and Mother Qiao complained that she had lost her virginity, but she still said something serious, "I heard from Tang Jun's aunt that he was arrested and taken to the detention center a few days ago. It seems that he has committed a crime. Now the police station doesn't allow his family to visit him. They said that he has not finished his business and is in a secret period. Do you know what happened?" Tang Jun was locked up? The corners of Qiao Rui's eyes twitched. She remembered that something had happened to her that night, and the person behind her was Tang Jun. Thinking about it, her eyes fell

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