Chapter 141: How It felt to Die

1963 Words

Chapter 141: How It felt to DieQiao Rui felt very guilty. In her life, she had only lived less than one-third of her life, but she was about to die. She had a boyfriend who liked her, a pair of parents who loved her, and two cute pets. She had a lot of things that she couldn't bear to part with, and people that she couldn't bear to part with. She didn't want to die, not at all. She still couldn't figure out why Fang Baoshan's friend hated her so much and wanted to hurt her or even kill her. What had she done wrong? She was an honest person. She did things obediently every day, but why did such a thing happen? Qiao Rui covered her mouth and took a deep breath again. But now, the whole factory was covered by the smell of gas. This time, half of her breath was made of hydrogen. "Cough, c

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