Chapter 123: A Half Night Call

2046 Words

Chapter 123: A Half Night CallSeeing that the two of them began to talk without knowing it, of course, Mr. Yang said a lot. Jing Zhongyan occasionally echoed a few sentences, but even so, Qiao Rui was still stunned. She did not know that her family was always so polite. After strolling around the park for a while, when it was almost time, the Golden Retriever also had enough bread. It took the initiative to go to the master's feet and let the master put it on. Qiao Rui and Jing Zhongyan also went home. In the elevator, Qiao Rui asked, "Are you trying to dig up Mr. Yang and send him to the Jing Group?" The man glanced at her and shook his head lightly. "No." "Then you won't fall in love with him, will you? Mr. Jing, you can tell me frankly that there are no outsiders here. Ar

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