Chapter 104: Calling Her Husband

2106 Words

Chapter 104: Calling Her HusbandShe took a deep breath and calmed down for a while. Then she threw the phone away, buried herself in the sofa, and dug for the skin of the sofa. She had just returned home and scared her mother to death. She had not taken off the cast on her hands and feet. Although the scar on her head had recovered, she was not naked. She was very entangled. She wanted to find Jing Zhongyan, but she felt that it was better not to bother him with such a small thing. After thinking about it for a while, she finally got up with a cane, took her wallet and mobile phone, and went out. She took a taxi downstairs and arrived at the hospital. Seeing that she was unable to move, the nurse helped her into the elevator and asked her where she was going. She said that she was goi

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