Chapter 99: Still Not Ready

2219 Words

Chapter 99: Still Not ReadyQiao Rui stayed in the hospital for a week and could finally be discharged from the hospital. During this period, Zhao Yang came here on the third day, except for the quarrel on the second day. Other colleagues also came to see her one after another. Jing Zhongyan was afraid that she would be bored, so he gave her the computer. However, Qiao Rui had one hand and it was inconvenient for her to type, so she could only watch TV. On the fourth day, she could get down a little bit. With the help of the nurse, she went to the bathroom to exercise for two hours every day. Two days later, he felt that it was almost time to leave the hospital. The cast on his hands and feet was changed again. The doctor said that he would change it once a week. Usually, he would exer

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