Chapter 78: Who Is This Little Fox Spirit?

2148 Words

Chapter 78: Who Is This Little Fox Spirit?Anna only stayed in the office for a while. Qiao Rui did not care and continued to do her own things. At ten o'clock, Xiang Yun summoned everyone into the conference room for a meeting. There would be an internal meeting every two weeks in the general meeting. Usually, there would not be much content in the meeting. It was just a talk about the recent meeting, basically just a formality. But today, as soon as they entered the conference room, everyone felt that the atmosphere was not right. Looking at Jing Zhongyan, who was sitting at the head of the table, Qiao Rui thought of the unpleasant morning and her heart skipped a beat. She lowered her head, squeezed into the crowd, and sat far away from him. When everyone was there, only the staff on

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