Chapter 64

203 Words

C – Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) CIA – Central Intelligence Agency Dojo – Japanese training hall for the martial arts Gaijin – Japanese word for foreigner ("Outside Person") GCHQ – Government Communication Headquarters; British organisation responsible for electronic and communication intercepts Giri – Japanese word meaning "Duty" or "Obligation" Gwaih-Lo – Cantonese slang word for foreigners JIC – Joint Intelligence Committee, political overseer of SIS, MI5 and GCHQ Karasu-Tengu – A mythical half Raven/half goblin from Japanese culture Kempeitai – Wartime Japanese secret police Kyonshi – Japanese word meaning "living dead" or reanimated corpse MI5 –British Security Service responsible for counter-espionage within the UK Ninjato – supposedly the sword carried

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