Chapter One

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Magnolia’s pov I laughed as butterflies filled my stomach and the wind flew through my hair. I dropped and dropped but then I stopped. I giggled again as my dad threw me up into the air and then caught me easily for the hundredth time. In the distance I could see someone walking towards us, I squirmed from my fathers hands and ran towards her. She laughed and held her arms out for me,“Magnolia baby, come to mama.” I looked up at my mom and smiled as I jumped into her arms. I pulled away from her and looked at her long strawberry blonde hair that complimented her fiery orange eyes beautifully. The smile on her face filled me with a warmth that I couldn’t describe. Suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around us, mom and I both squealed as dad tackled us to the ground. “Oh no, the tickle monster is going to get you!” He shouted out as he started to tickle the both of us. “Ahh, no dada!” I squealed as he continued his tickling assault. Somehow I managed to get up and run, when I stopped and turned around they were gone. “Mama? Dada?” I called out, panic rushed through me as I ran back to our spot. I looked around, the only thing that was there was a large pool of blood. I shook my head back and forth, “Mama! Dada! Please come back!” I screamed again as the tears filled my eyes. I dropped to me knees and let the tears fall from my eyes freely. “Please.” I pleaded. Suddenly there was something wet and warm on my legs, I opened my eyes. Fear ran down my spine when the pool of blood began to grow. Suddenly it was so deep I was swimming in it. I looked to the left and saw my parents. They didn’t try to help me, didn’t try to call out to me. They just stood there with disgusted looks on their faces. “It’s all your fault.” My father said, “You did this.” “No, please mama, dada, I love you. Help me!” I screamed as I began to sink. I kicked my legs as hard as I could until my head was above the surface once more. “Everything would have been better if you hadn't ever been born.” Those words struck me in the deepest part of my soul. How could my mother say that? I watched as they took each others hands and slowly walked away. My panic rose when the waves of the blood began to rise, a large wave crashed over me, shoving me further down into the darkness. I jumped awake, I sighed as this was the normal dream I had nearly every night. Sometimes it was a little bit different but this was the most common one. I rubbed my hands on my temples as I thought about them. I miss my mom and dad more than anything. They were killed just over a year ago in a rogue attack. I looked around my bedroom, well if you could call it that. I was so graciously given a small room, okay it was a damn closet. I have a small holy blanket and an old pillow I found in the trash not long after I moved to this room. I also managed to fix a small lamp and thanks to some of the girls being so picky with their clothes and throwing a bunch out I have about five decent outfits I can wear. I would have had more if the alpha didn’t decide to burn all my stuff. Not like that matters, I am not even allowed out of the pack house anymore. I am allowed in the garden to do gardening or to shovel the snow, that we almost never get, but that’s it. I am to keep the pack house and the guest house clean, prepare all the meals and keep the garden in tip top shape. After the rogue attack I was taken in by Alpha Black, if you can call it that, he rules over our pack the Blackmoon Pack. He only took me in because my father died trying to save the next alpha of this stupid pack. My mother died trying to save me, the alpha blames me for the rogue attack, which our Luna was killed in. I was eleven the first time I shifted, when I shifted everything changed. My mother kept me with her at all times, I wasn’t allowed to shift in front of others, and I could only go running with my parents and it was for brief periods. You see I am not a typical wolf, my mother wasn’t either. However my mother was terrified of what it would mean if people found out. One day I was out near the edge of the territory when I smelled a rogue. The rotten stench he gave off was horrible. I tried to run away from him but was too slow in my human form. Even with all the training from my father, he pounced on me and in that second I lost control of my wolf. She shifted and the wolf jumped off of me. I knew I was in trouble, he shifted back to human and spoke to me. “I did not know you were one of the rare gems. I thought they had all died out, he would love to know where you are.” He shifted back into his gray wolf and trotted away, he froze and looked at me. He licked his lips before running as fast as he could away from me. I looked down at my dark purple coat before shifting back into human form. I ran as fast as I could naked through the forest. As soon as I got home I ran inside screaming for my mom. “Ma! Mom!” It didn’t take long for me to find her and when she saw me naked and covered in mud the smile left her face. “What happened?” She grabbed the blanket off the couch and wrapped it around me, then pulled me next to her as she ran her fingers through my hair. I explained everything that happened and what the rogue said. “Mama, what do we do?” “We need to warn the alpha. They will come looking for you.” She quickly began to pack a bag and threw clothes at me. “Get dressed, we need to leave now.” I did as she said and quickly changed and followed her out the door. “What about dad?” I looked back at the house, could this be the last time I see it? I felt guilty, I never should have snuck out to walk alone. “He is at the pack house, we are leaving right now.” I quickly followed my mother down the winding path that led to the large white pack house, the front of it had a beautifully painted mural of the night sky with the new moon and stars surrounding it. We walked in and she didn’t waste a second before she walked past the recreational room and kitchen. She went up a set of stairs and down a hallway. We must have passed nearly a dozen doors before we came to a stop at one that belonged to the Alpha.. My mother lightly knocked on the door before we heard a low, “enter.” We walked in and I was surprised to see my father. I looked at him and saw the color leave his face, I have never seen him so frightened. “What’s wrong?” My father asked in a worried tone. My mother looked at my father and a tear fell down her cheek. “They’re coming.” My father grabbed my mother in a hug and then me. “Who’s coming?” The alpha asked in a gruff voice, my father cleared his throat. “There is a group of wolves who search for unique wolves.” The alpha sighed and nodded his head. “I have heard of them, did they discover your mate?” Everyone in the pack knew my mother was different. She could hide it easily though in her wolf form. Her wolf was the same color as her hair and her eyes turned blue. My father looked at my mother, as she began to shake her head. “No, they discovered Mags.” My dad's grip tightened around my shoulders. “We have to get her out of here.” “Go, I give you permission to leave. I will not take your pack ranks away until I know you are in a new pack.” My father nodded his head when a loud siren sounded. Goosebumps ran down my spine at the sound. The Alpha jumped up and bounded out the office door. “What is going on?” I asked as I covered my ears. “They’re here, you two go, I will be right behind you.” I watched as my mother kissed my father before she yanked me by the arm dragging me down the stairs and out the back door of the pack house. I looked back and watched my father run out of the front door, Alpha Black just ahead of him. I looked forward as we ran into the woods, I could hear the snarling, and fighting. The scent of blood hit my nose and dread filled my heart. People were dying because of me. “Mom, wait!” I shouted but she wasn’t listening to me. I yanked my arm free and she turned to look at me. “Now is not the time to be stubborn, Magnolia!” I could see the fear in her eyes, it was new for me to see her show fear. “People are dying because of me, I have to do something.” I cried out. “You know I am a decent fighter!” I shouted at her. She shook her head. “No, we have to get you out of here. These men want you for one of a few reasons only. They either want your fur to sell or they want you to play with and be a slave. They may even want to turn you into a breeder for new slaves.” My heart dropped when I heard a growl from right behind me. I slowly turned around to see the same wolf from earlier. My mother put herself between me and the wolf, “you will not take my daughter.” The wolf smiled then I saw him lunge at my mother. He hit her and I watched as she slammed into a tree causing it to crack. I looked back and the wolf was mid jump, I dodged him easily. He growled at me and quickly shifted into my wolf. He lunged again and this time side stepped and then jumped on his back. I felt the warm blood on my claws as they ripped open the skin on his back. He howled in pain and rammed us into a nearby tree. I quickly stood up when a second wolf came around the corner, I growled at the two of them. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mother slowly sitting up. I turned my attention back to the wolves. I jumped at the one I already injured but I wasn’t paying enough attention or I would have noticed the third wolf. I was knocked off my feet by a gray and brown wolf. I stood up and growled when I heard my mother scream. I looked in her direction and was frozen in fear. One of the wolves bit my mother, blood was gushing from her neck and shoulder. I tried to get to her but I watched as the wolf ripped my mother apart. I turned and saw the beta and a few warriors heading towards us, but it was too late. I tried to lunge at the wolf who killed my mother but was thrown by a strong force into a nearby tree. Then everything went dark. When I woke up I was in the pack hospital. They told me my mother was killed and that the wolf I had ripped into was dead. Then I was informed that my father was dead and that I was dead to the rest of the world. They told me that they erased anything that showed I was ever alive, I didn’t deserve anything else but that. It was that same day that hell began for me. I was no longer considered a pack member, I was their slave. In the grief of losing his mate, the alpha decided that I was at fault. He used to be a sweet kind man but now he is cruel, sadistic and evil. I am almost eighteen, then hopefully I will be able to leave this place. I just want to go into a big city and live alone, maybe find a human that will accept me and love me. I was pulled out of my thoughts by banging on the door. I started to stand to answer it when it was flung into the wall. I jumped back when I saw Alpha Black standing there with a vein in his forehead popping out. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL IN BED?” He screamed at me. I looked at the small clock on the wall and realized I was supposed to have breakfast done already. I bowed my head and shrunk down to make myself as small as I could. “I am sorry alpha, I overslept. My alarm must not have gone off.” I looked over and realized my alarm clock had been unplugged. I sighed knowing that someone had snuck in here and unplugged it. He growled and I felt a burning pain in my scalp as he yanked me up by long brown hair that was just like my fathers. “I do not want to hear your pathetic excuses! You have five minutes to have breakfast made, after that you will get a lashing for every extra minute. Your time starts now.” My heart began to beat wildly in my chest and I bolted to the kitchen. I pulled out the boxes of cereal and bowls and a few gallons of milk and set it out on the buffet style table. I then went back and grabbed the twenty dozen muffins I made yesterday and placed a large tub of butter next to them. I heard footsteps come up behind me and a growl. “You know we have the future king coming tomorrow?” I nodded my head and swallowed. “You do anything like this tomorrow and you will get a hundred lashes.” “Yes Alpha.” I bowed my head, not out of respect, but purely out of fear. He looked at the table in front of him and growled. “Since you have prepared a s**t ass breakfast and it was late, you will get no food today and I expect the entire pack house to be completely spotless before you go to bed tonight. Especially the guest house the future king and his guards will be staying in.” I nodded my head and bowed again before I began to walk out of the room. “Oh and one more thing hag,” I turned to look at him, “you know what will happen if you don’t have it cleaned to my expectations.” I nodded and ran from the kitchen. I ran back to my room and sank down on the floor. I took some deep breaths, I knew what would happen. He will do what he has always done when things aren’t to his liking. He lets one, sometimes more, of his warriors do as they wish. There have been a couple that just stay away, my deep purple eyes creep them out, but the others do as they wish. I have the scars to prove it, one of them has a knife fettish. I shuddered at the thought of what could happen tonight. I quickly changed my clothes and ran upstairs. I gathered all the laundry and dusted the house, vacuumed all the rooms. I made sure the pack house was spotless. I made lunch for the pack then made my way to the guest house to continue on my cleaning. “Tomorrow, just have to get through tonight then tomorrow we turn eighteen. Then we will be able to find our mate. If we are lucky he won’t be in this forsaken pack.” Mattea, my wolf, said to me. I took a deep breath, “I know,” I said back as I looked at a clock and realized it was three o’clock in the afternoon and it was time to start preparing dinner. I walked to the door of the large kitchen to see Jessie and Jessica standing there smirking. They’re fraternal twins and the Alpha’s children, Jessie is the next alpha. I opened the door and looked around the kitchen and my jaw dropped. They had completely destroyed it, everything was a disaster. Flour dumped out, eggs smashed on the counters, doors taken off the cupboards. The cereal dumped all around and the sink was starting to overflow. I ran to shut it off when Jessie stood in my way. “Where do you think you’re going hag?” He glared at me as he spoke. “Excuse me Alpha but I really need to shut off the water.” He looked back at the sink and smirked as the water began to pour out of the sink and onto the floor mixing with cereal and flour. Finally he let me walk past him. “Oh my, Haggy Maggy, what did you do?” He acted surprised. I did my best to ignore him as I rushed in to turn it off. “I think the alpha should know about this.” He smiled as his eyes glazed over. Panic settled in my chest, it was only a minute later when Alpha Black walked into the kitchen. “What in the goddess’ name happened here?” I knew better than to tell the truth, so I lied. “I do not know sir. I found it this way.” I twisted my fingers as the alpha’s gaze landed on me. I looked down as I could feel the power radiating off of him. “Follow me.” I have never seen him this calm when I know he is upset. I followed him to his office and he shoved me through the door. “You ungrateful bitch.” He growled out making the hair on my body stand on end. I lowered my gaze to the floor and kept it there. “I am sorry sir.” I kept my voice quiet. “I really did find it that way.” I said again. “I am sick of your lies. It’s time to teach you a real lesson. Gertrude, Annabelle and the rest of the omegas will finish the cleaning and making of dinner. You will be taught a lesson.” I felt a pang of sadness when he said Annabelle’s name. She used to be my best friend, we used to be stuck to each other at the hip, until that day. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and dragged me through the pack house down into the dungeon. I started trying to fight back even though he was stronger than me. He laughed at my feeble attempt to get away form him, “oh man you’re really in for it this time. First you were late on breakfast, then you ruined the kitchen. Did you even get the pack house to my expectations?” He growled at me as he held me inches away from his face. I tried to talk but he roughly threw me into a cell and walked away without a word. I looked at the cell and noticed I was in one of the torture chambers. There was a table with straps on one side, a chair with straps on the other and in the middle was chains hanging from the ceiling. I gulped as I looked around at everything, “we are in deep trouble.” I said to Mattea. “Do you think we can fight our way out of this one?” I asked her. She growled, “no, if we were properly fed and allowed to train for the last year and a half then we would have stood a chance.” I could feel how angry she was. I dropped onto the floor and sighed, “well, I guess we'll just have to figure something out, won’t we.” I said to her, hopeful that we could still find a way out of this.
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